Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Ok yeah, call me over self-conscious or something.
But i just read through a few of my past posts and i realised that my language usage in the past is much much more fluid than my present.
Guess the past few months of idling at home have finally done some damage to my brain.
Time to brush up on my vocabulary!
I wouldn't want my new coursemates to label me as someone with limited vocabulary that only knows how to use simple words, such as "awesome"
However, i do find simple words a more direct way to express myself better.
i guess i will stick to comfort.
Whichever is more comfortable~

Speaking of words,
i often believe the chinese phrase of 祸从口出
meaning, whatever you said, may be the cause of your troubles/problems.
ok bullshit. ignore me and go google the exact definition yourself if you are really curious.
i am pretty lousy at explaining and expressing myself.
Got to improve on that too.. O_O...

short post!

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