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I was just glancing through my facebook photos and saw some memorable ones, so i have decided to upload a few and share it. And all these photos basically summarised my life. Maybe that is the reason why i love to take photos, professionally taken or not, it is something i can keep with myself and take out and laugh or smile at it when i am older and perhaps when my memory start to fail me.
past is something i reflect on, i mean, we cannot change the past
right? so why not just accept the past and move on in the present. If
you have something you regret in the past, then just make sure you don't
commit the same stupid mistake or whatsoever in the present. Learn from
the past. I don't think the past is something to be embarrassed of.
Everyone has their own unique past and their own unique memory.My memory is something precious to me. Good or bad times. I treasure it all. | | |
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My Primary 6 fun shot class photo and it is also my favourite class photo!!
Can you spot me? Hehehhehe! | | | | |
Racial Harmony day! Our is the only class with everyone wearing other cultural clothes! Sooooo proud of my class! And soooooo proud to be part of this awesome class!! :DD |
Daphne zoey and me! Random but who cares! Daphne is one of the few friends i meet up with since we graduated from primary school! |
Guzheng trip to Taiwan!!! Hehehhe! it was an awesome memorable trip for me. Damn cool to travel overseas with friends!! |
Me zoey and Shiyang! hahhaha! Another primary school friend i hang out with! :D We all live in the same area! So we meet up often!! |
Awesome guzheng friends!! All so pretty! hahahahah! |
Me zoey jinpei! Hehehhe! One of the few secondary school friends i have made! KEEDING! I HAVE GUZHENG GANG REMEMBER?! MUWAHAHAHAH! ok la, but jinpei is one of the few friends from secondary schhol i meet up with even when we are in poly! :D |
See all the chiobus? heheheh! It was prommm! And all these ladies here are precious friends of mine! :DD |
Poyl friends! I didn expect to meet such nice girls in poly , i mean i thought i will have have like 1/2 close friends but look at this!! Muwahahah! I am obviously adapting well to poly life eh? |
To my friends, if you are reading this, heh, thanks babes!
I am glad i get to meet so many people in my life!
heheh! Maybe time to add a boyfriend in to make it better? hahhah!
Kidding la, i mean romance i think it is something i should leave it up to fate! hahahahha!
But to all these people above, thanks for being my friend, you are in deep shit i tell you!
Cause you guys have no way to escape! Muwahahahhaha!
Friends forever FTW! :D
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