marks the day where i got my guzheng! :DDDD
* gay ness* xDD
yeah, so it rocked like mad :D
hahas, i am soo GAYGAYGAY! WOOOO
anws, its liddat, me and yang was like walking home tgt, ince afterall we live opposite each other lols,
then i saw someone waving at me,
its my auntyyy~~
* happy*
then i walked over thinking that they are visiting, to passing my parents some vcds again,
but it turned out my uncle behind her is holding to a...!!!
then we took the lift up to my house, and they went in to have a drink etc lah :D
while i go analyse my new "toy"
LOL, then yeah, i opened the bag, then theres a plastic bag,
in side, got ,
cloth for the guzheng, ( to cover it)
a book :DDDD
then i opened the side box,
inside, got the thingy to turn the string with,
new strings :O,
new nails,
new tape,
a guide book on that guzheng :OOOO
WOW, so cool right?
and guessed i bought it for how much? $500
so expensive TT_TT
somemore ITS MINE...
OMG, then my uncle and aunty left after chatting with my parents abit :D
then i go play my guzheng abit,
well, i think its worth it :D
the guzheng rocks like mad!!:D
it can have such loud sound, when i use abit of my energy! :DDDD
compared to my sch de guzheng, its totally different!
* gay*
then my mama say it costs $1000plus, almost hitting 2000
then since that person selling to me happened to be my uncle's student,
so he accept the price of 500
which is so WOW
so generous man! ^^
then when i was playing arh, my mama is toking to herself,
she say:
" ahha, now she got guzheng then she will stay away from the computer le :D so worth it:D
somemore the money is NOT MINE ~~~ keke~"
eeeyeer! so evil!
LOLS, like mother like daughter eh? xDD
hahas, then my parents say since its MY money so if i dont use the guzheng, then it will be wasted,
wa seh, it hits me right in the head man!
they so smart, know i money minded, D;
so evil!
anws, i flipped through the book, turns out one song i learned is from there one worh! :DDD
* happy*
ok, heres th picture of my guzheng ;D
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