hahas, me and dap meet up that day to visit our very dear choir xDD
^^ we went in like aliens from another planet, LOL
so erm,
tall ( for them)
and so "out standing" LOL
so funny xD
then we walked around aimlessly, till i force dap to sms yashi to tell her
"给我滚过来!" and our very good daphne of course re-phrased it LOL
and make it so long, but polite, she even added sorry LOL
so kind :]
not like me LOL
anws, we just stood outside the hall, like idiots LOL,
then did nth O.O
just O.O stare around LOL,
the juniors so bad TT_TT
they got rmb ah dap but not me!
but miss goh forgot her :P
LOL, she called her cassmin xD
lols, then dunno who rmb me as "zoey"
i was like AHHH! LOL!
nvm nvm xD
then we just followed the choir to their holding room,
which is i think supposed to be beethoven room or sth,
but it is occupied, so we just went into errr,
last time in 2007, 6P de classroom, i think LOL
then me and dap sit behind the class, like invisible ppl LOL
then they practised, their song so high man! OMG,
so pro!
the zhenghua part, OMG, seriously high ok?
anws, then we went to the hall once again,
then me and dap watch the rehearsal,
and say if its Mr seah in wad way will it be better :X
psps, we simply prefer Mr seah xD
who left D;
anws, back to topic,
then we watch watch watch,
saw kahwei perfrom lols,
then erm, choir go perform,
then when they rehearsing, i turn around,
" oh, three black guys" ,,
" one looked like kahwei..."[ coz its dark]
then i turn back to look at the stage,
then " hmmm, WAD?! KAHWEI?!"
lols, then i turn then confirm, then i told dap,
she waved, but i dont think he saw it since later, after like hours,
the lights on liao, dap wave again,
then kahwei go
" OH! i didn know you are there!"
then he ignore us lols,
and daphne keeps waving i was like...
then tries to put her hands down LOL,
so malu,
coz theres others there too, then they are like looking her, giving those, huh? face LOL
then me and dap played, hangman, while waiting for the choir to eat finish their dinner
then we changed game to a game where you have to guess wad the other person is drawing
then guess wad our cute cute daphne drew?
ok i give you the pic arh,
i tried my best to copy it, since its quite easy xD

guess whos this? xDDDD
i tot its harry potter actually,
then she keep looking around, then i think: " shd be someone here"
the so happen that there only like the three black guys, and us plus some teacher,
then the i looked around...
me:" dont tell me its kahwei hor"
Daphne: correct!
me: * laughs like mad* XDDD
then i say you go show kahwei, see his reaction,
then she called kahwei while i laugh louder LOL,
even slam table xDD
then kahwei ignore us D;
so sad! LOL, nvm through this post those dunno kahwei will know LOL
thats exactly how he looked like! LOL!!! HAHAHAHA!
then he walked away mah, i was like holding the picture compare, lols,
i was like controlling from laughing and ask daphne
since when did kahwei got spiky hair?
then dap say, oh no meh? aiya, nvm, same lah! LOL!!!
then i laugh somemore, HAHAS!
then soon, xunwei came, daphne was like
then i turn around, who is that?
then she say hello xunwei
i was like OMG, XUNWEI?!
he become so dark, and thinner,
both are compliment lols
anws, he taught us magic, which i failed terribly LOL,
then we sort of got "shooed" our of the hall, then you go the tables,
beside the stairs, to continue the magic LOL
so cool!
and so qian bian LOL
they are tricks after all,
thnx teacher, but you got talent LOLS, me and dap slower hahas, xD
so fun loh, then at around 8pm, we gohome, xunwei take gate 2 and me and dap take gate 3 xDD
then me and dap go eat dinner :DD
p.s: daphne, you have to buck up on your "ordering" skills xDDD
Date: 13 November 2008
i meet up with daphne again LOL,
then shujun tagged along, coz they were buying book i think?
as in like collecting their books
then after eating lunch, we went to 7-eleven,
to buy sweets for choir, while shujun buy drink :DD
then shujun left and went home, i think she got sth to do or wad lols,
then its rain heavily,
daphne's shoes are drenched when we reached school LOL,
sadly, mine is dry :D
super dry, no water :DDDD
then daphne went to the toilet to take off her socks and wash her shoes xD
rinse it or sth xD
or it is her hands?
oh nvm, then, when we are abt to go into the choir room , they walked out of it, LOL,
they go canteen, eat or sth,
so we just went into the empty choir room :DDDD
soo cool~~
then we played, speed, and uno lol,
and tried, REAl prediction with the uno card xDD
so fun~~
we have to guess the card number and colour,
and we realise i kept guessing dap's and she kept guessing mine lols,
so we sort of swoop lah, then finally, got one man!
somemore, we same time got it! WOW! SO COOL!!
we are like soo gay LOL,
i got yellow 4 she got yellow 6
both yellow!
lols then we played around, hahas and finally, choir is back~~
then they practise, and drew make up ^^
me and daphne help to put blusher :DDD
i suck at the rest LOL
lipstick, eye shadow, lol all suck HAHA!
i know coz i tried, LOLS, with one or two lah, then they dont like it D:
so sad!
then they ate lunch or "snack"
then all gathered around to play uno sia! LOL
so cool!
then got one boy so poor thing, he kena saboed, tio 10 plus de "draw two"
so got 20 plus cards,
i was like omg,bless him LOL,
lols, then play half way need to leave again, so yeah, left me and dap again lols,
then we erm,
played with the camera abit hahas,
then we sort of have to leave liao lah, so we wrote a long letter LOL
hahas xDDD
we are sooo kind HAHAHA!
dap snatched most of my words D;
so sad! DD;
nvm, hahas, at least i am more humble ;DDD
picture time!
secretly, took it while theres only me and daphne :D
i even off the light for better effect ok? xD
eerie anot?! :DDD
me and dap de cards :D
we predicted it ok?! :D
me and dap gaying over a card LOL
and somemore, i got one retarded starin of hair, lol,-.-
and and a sweet in my mouth LOL xD
active choir :D
Choir! :D
once again, me and daphne~ xD
oh yesh, help daphne say
thats all :D
water bottle, LOL,
the focus on dpahne's water bottle,
the lime juice one or sth :D
left to right : zhenyun, siew xuan[correct?], daphne!
hahas, :DDD
we forced her to take, xD and she seems sooo scared of us xD
anws, thats amanda's cousin,
who first said shes her sister, and i tot its true LOL
choir drew by ching yi or ching wei, i forgot,
lets just shorten it,
the chings :D
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