say that i am slow to notice or that i have failed to admit,
but seriously,
blogs are dying out issn't it?
it seems like just ytd when i posted something and people comment and everyday, the first thing on my list will be to check out my friend's blog when i switch on the computer.
but gradually, people seemed to just grow out of it and went for facebook,twitter, etc
well, it is not that i don't like them,
they are equally awesome channels to communicate with friends but idk why i prefer blogs.
i mean seriously, when i read blogs, even simple posts like what you do in a boring day makes me feel more intimate, LOL sounds wrong,
but what i meant is that when you blog, you go all the way down to the details and even add your personal feelings and stuff,
it makes the reader feel like he/she is just there with you
and the blogger to actually have a more detailed memory when he/she read their posts in the future..
but through twitter and facebooks, there are word limits and usually long posts are not welcomed.
so, it ended up more plain and simple
for example, you wanted to share about the camp, how awesome it is
and in facebook or twitter,
all you can write is, "OMG THE CAMP IS AWESOME!"
the 3day 2night camp is just compacted into 7 words.
and for those who didn went for the camp, they are forever lost, they can never join the conversation by commenting or liking.
ok yeah, i almost forgot this is just a example. LOL
yeah, but if you chose to post about it,
you can type things like
"Omg, i went for the camp with xxx and yyy, we had a great time doing....."
and you list out all the details
and your friend will get to know more about the whole thing and yeah, no gaps and stuff.
yes, in facebook you can still choose to comment and find out more,
but who will really go down the details when they are all high about the event or something?
they will just summarise it into
"oh, we went for a camp, and it is awesome"
well, thankyou for you information,
thank you very much cause i can't really see from the picture that you went for a camp and had a great time from your status,
yeap, i totally have no brains,
thanks :)
it is retarded man,
and all you can reply is " oh is that so? haha!That's great! :D"
or something like that.
end of storyyyyyyy
In the past, we spend most of the time typing out the fullll details of the event,
so that the reader understands what is going on,
but now?
we spend just a few seconds to use "awesome" to describe the whole trip.
good job man.
but i have to admit, recently i have been using lots of "awesome"
time to update my vocabulary.
It is fantastic!
maybe i should search for a more "awesome" word xDD
time to go~!
by the way, today is my last paper :)
i smell freedommm~ :D
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