Well, i knew that one day, when i step into society, i will come across this,
but seriously,
i never expect it to be so soon.
So if you guys don't know, recently, i have started working.
i have really got a taste of society.
For people without mental preparation, and have ideal imagination of the ideal society,
society is not as perfect as what you think,
mainly because there is no such thing as school rules to protect you, to help you gain your rightful rights, and also because there is no perfect textbook to fully explain in details how to react to every little encounters, and those, are for you to explore and learn.
First and for all, the very very best guide to survive in society is to heed your senior's advice.
good or bad, there is no harm listening to them.
leave it to yourself to decide, to try. Sometimes, it may go against your pride, but that is just society. The is no perfect right or wrong, if there is, perhaps the better one to follow is customers are always right.
but whoever who adapt to that idea is not right.
confusing issnt it?
well, customers are people who gave you chance to earn. So by right, they have all the rights to ask for anything, since we are basically living off from them.
but on the other hand, if customers have such mentality, the world is gonna change.
customers will grow more and more demanding,
we always tell those "rich bastards" that money can't buy everything, but secretly, we do hide a part of those "rich bastards" mental ideas in our minds i guess :/
If not why are we constantly complaining of low quality or bad service?
well, you tell those "rich bastards" that somethings cannot be bought with money right?
i throw those words right back at you.
What are the "somethings"? the television is only good at portraying love and relationship.
but they always forgot there are others,
Time, experience, sincereity, hardwork.
those cannot be bought with money.
you may have said that you have paid more for better services, but seriously, that command may not be that simple.
have you ever thanked the ones working so hard for you?
If you have no candidates, i have a few.
those lowly paid cleaners, construction workers, maids.
Yes, you have paid for them to work,
but do you know that instead of giving more money, a simple thank you will brigthen up their day?
by making their life better, they will start to love their job and want to do their best in it.
simple right? Everytime when i am doing cashiering, aunties who approach me with stern eyes makes me stressful and i will not even dare to smile, my movements are stiff and i will want to avoid mistakes.
but whenever you want to avoid mistakes, they invite them,
so yes, more mistakes and more stern eyes.
but when friendly aunties approach me, giving me a smile and telling me things like, " Oh you are new here? Be careful! take your time!" or something, makes me smile and i will want to make sure i provide her with the best service i can give.
i love them.
money may give a temporary boost but the upward movement of the edge of the lips are more comforting.
LOL, i have just realised whatever i have typed so far have no link to my title yet.
wow, sidetracked much? xD
1. Discrimination against new workers.
Whether it is between workers and workers or workers and customers,
i hate it they scan you with those suspicious eyes.
Customers would go to the counter with the senior staff instead of the counter with the new staff, they just hate us. And even if they really ended up here, they will look at each and every action of yours and looks like they are on stand-by to scream if you ever make a mistake.
between workers and workers, they basically, don't trust you and will take every single chance to try to correct you. i do appreciate those advices but please mind those glares. Even 3 year olds understand facial expressions.
2. I hate it when customers discriminate those who cannot speak english.
well, i am educated, but do not go around criticising those who are not english educated.
and you know what, newsflash, those who are really educated will not do what you did.
well this specific incident ytd pissed me off.
the 1st customer was a old man, he bought quite a few items and some ever even heavy.
he looks like he was in his 70s or so and yeah, we really cannot blame him if he have difficulties moving his items from the counter to his trolley, or have difficulties hearing the price, or even difficulties looking for his money. Anyone who sees that will understand and who will rush an old man? So after him, there is this indian guy, as the old man was moving his items to the trolley, he was alrdy complaining " WALAOEH WHY SO LONG?!?" very very loudly.
how loud? all the customers looked up, including the other cashiers.
that loud.
nvm, when it was his turn, i guess he did not put the item properly or it just happens to be wet and hard to hold and my senior slipped the cucumber or something. It broke into two and my senior apologised and asked if he wants to change.
he goes " HUH? WALAOEH! WHAT? " and points and stares at my senior, my senior carried on apologising and asking if he wants to change, and i asked too,
and you know he say what?
he say, " WALAOEH< YOU FROM CHINA ISSIT? DUNNO HOW TO SPEAK ENGLISH AH?" and my senior was stunned for a short few seconds, i can catch that she was hurt in her eyes, i was boiling and she was good, she continued apologising and ask if he wants to change and this time, more anxiously. You know what that guy did?
he just say KNN! then scold some other language and stomp off youknow!
thank god the next customer was nice and even made a joke out of it, saying" That one siao one la!" which is very sweet of him as it made us smiled.
but still, the impact is made.
ever since the first day, i can see the sadness in their eyes,
they are there for some reasons, it is not because they like this job.
most of them are not english educated and you can really see that they are even envious that we have schools and stuff.
Even if they are not very well educated, they worked really hard to make up for it, when i stand at the counter, i can see small little notes lying around, and such criticism really disgusts me.
a person's hard work should not is neglected just because of their education.
In the modern era, people might be educated, but seriously, education is not everything, moral values, sincereity and everything, i think that it is really something we "educated people" should learn from them.
If we are really educated, we should put our knowledge to good use instead of using the english we learnt to type complaint letters or anything.
Really, to me, those did not show that you are educated. It only makes you unreasonable.
just because someone cannot speak english does not make them china.
are you sure all singaporeans are english educated?
We should not over generalise like how we hate it when they just say that all singaporeans are rude or something,
i do have china friends and they are good and nice fine people, so whats up man?
tsk, seriously.
thats all i want to say.