monday: Amath ( one of my weakest sub)
Tuesday : Amath and Chem paper 2 ( two of my most scared, so scared that i am even thinking of MC-ing it subs :((( )
Wednesday: Study like shit day
Thursday: 3 papers day -______- ( POA, POA, Bio. kill me man.)
Friday: Vomit all you memorised day ( SS SuckS :((()
but i will have to say, after that weekkkk,
i will one be left with history and paper 1s
i love it mannnnn!
next week seemed so long and like my life or death gate ( literally)
but yes, next week is extremely important.
buddhablessme mannnn!
i am gonna transfer all of my this year's luck on this one week.
*cross fingers!!*
so far, i am done with only chinese, english and emath.
well, i have posted about english.
but i do have high hopes for Emath.
but knowing that if i am ok with it, many will be,
so, i hope for at least a A2 but best, A1. :)
only two subs down and i am sort of exhausted.
but yes, i am gonna burn all my fuel for next week and even the incense arghhhh
i want to do wellll!!!
Seriously, i don't get why people aim for like what? 9As?
when all the school looks at is your L1 R5 or L1 R4.
imagine you got your 9As, but all A2s
and your L1 R5 is like what? 12?
and this fella he/she only worked hard for some subs and got like 6 A1s and L1R5 6
it is half the difference man.
yeah so i am strategising,
i am not letting chemistry or amath hinder me.
all i have to do will be to do my best for english, emath, chinese, bio and poa.
and if L1R5,
add my humanities.
So, chemistry and amaths is totally not affecting me! yay-ness! :DDDDDD
what i believe is that the subs you are good at, will lead you to the course you will be good at.
if you are bad at chem, and that course still require chem.
the fact that they REQUIRE chem makes it clear that you are gonna have to use chem,
so yeah, don't make your life so hard man.
i am just gonna settle with what i have and can. HAHAHHHAHAHA! :DDDD
yeap, next week will be crazy, but i will be even MORE crazy once next week is over.
Oleh! :D
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