Ok, this never really crossed my mind till today?
i can't believe
we are leaving.i mean like no matter how much i hate the school, some teachers, or whatsoever,
i cannot deny the fact that i have spent like
4 years of my youth in this place called
"school" and like it or not, i did have some sentiments with this place called
"school"well, most would say that school is a place to study, gain new knowledge and blah blah blah.
get real people!i feel that school is a place to actually meet new friends and have time to be together.
when we grow up,
and when we get into working like,
time will be more sacred and you will probably start to have boyfriend, family and collagues to entertain.
so in school, it is actually the
best-est place to meet all kinds of people from all walks of life and be friends with them.
these friend are gonna be like you hardcore soulmate man.
if you haven't found one yet,
keep looking in other places like
"school"but trust me, i think school actually helps us to save up lots of hardwork in the search.
i would probably miss the
not-so-tasty-but-cheap food found in "schools"
they might not be like 5-star worthy good,
but they are nonetheless edible.
so yeap, and as long as you are with the right company, i bet you dont even remember the taste of the food because you are so damn busy
talking!even with 5-stars food quality, without firends, eating alone is so plain,dull and boring.
the feeling of being alone sucks.
it sucks so much that even the food will
suck.so in school, we can actually have time to eat together and stuff is really something cool and something to appreciate i guess.
Why am i all of a sudden so "emotional"?
well, today we sort of did a farewell party for our guzheng instructor.
when i was in the auditorium, i wasn't even this sad man, when all the teacher gave us farewell messages and cried and stuff.
but today it kind of
really hit me hard in the head or something.
through this cca, i have met plenty of awesome friends.
they each have their own good traits and stuff and all soooo
lovable and yeah, of course great friends and fun to be with.
idk why but
i love all my cca peers.we have really been through thick and thin from 2 SYFs and many many fun activities.
and we have really bonded like one big family.
well, the fact that we actually have quarrels actually made me feel that this group of us is so close.
we just argue, patch and end up eating tgt and laughing and stuff.
idk how proud i was when like 15? or 17 ? of us just sashay our way into the pizza hut and claim the longest table for ourselves.
just how awesome can we be?!?we party like wild animals and laughed like mad and best part,
even during recess,
quite oddly, instead of sitting with our class mates, we actually sit tgt as a cca and stuff
ok that is technically a cheat cause most of the members are actually my classmate.
but just how cool are we?
we, despite the fact that we are in different class, still bother to come tgt or find and just even walk by and tease each other when we are in the canteen, just how close are we?!?! :DDDD
we know each other almost like we are old friends! ( which we actually are, like 4 years in the same cca? no joke man!)
i have wrote like idk, maybe 3 or 4 drafts for penglaoshi's letter,
awkward much? it took me like
3hours to finalise it.
but in the end i cut away some parts.
Initially, i wanted to recount and sort of
confess,that sec1 and sec 2 is the most awesome time i ever had.
but in the end, i felt kind of guilty by actually indirectly saying that i might not enjoy sec3 and 4 life so yeah, i cancelled it out.
but i just want to type what i intended to write to her here.
well, it start of from the very very beginning.
In the start , we are just a newly established cca, with 1 insturctor whom don't know anything about us and stuff.
we have
absolutely no knowledge about this unique instrument called guzheng and we totally have to start from scratch.
it is not easy you know,
we have to share the instruments amongst 2 or sometimes, even 3.
the mere few hours is practice is not really sufficient for us to learn much but we just let the year pass just like that.
but things reallly start to change when we decided to take part in the
SYF in 2009.everyone is excited, eager,
anxious.practices were intense.but at that time, it is because the fact that no one is complaining and everyone's efforts that actually motivates me to do my best.
for once in my life, i actually want to put in all my efforts for something.
the feeling is just
soo refreshing.the tough practices actually bonded us,
we encouraged one another, eat together and even saw people cry.
being a newly established cca, we are
not expected much.
actually, i think the school is
not even expecting anything from us.our intense practices were just cast aside and ignored.
Some teachers even insulted us and gave us some weird names and spreaded weird rumours about us.
but it did not discourage us,but in fact, made us very firm that we are gonna prove them wrong.
our hard work did not fail us at all,
we got a Gold and shocked the whole school.
And from that point onwards, it is almost like a
magic being casted,
all our weariness are gone,
turned into pure
joy.oh boy, how i miss those days.
i really love my cca.this post is getting kind of long,
haha, thats kinds of sums it up,
i guess i will actually miss my school just for
abit after i graduate afterall :)