did you notice that i used past tense for the above sentence?
yeah, cause now i don't.
Now, weekends is not a day for me to have a break and relax,
its a day for me to ground myself infront of the desk and struggle with my homework.
and once i am done with it, i still have to stay there and study for my mock test next week.
Actually, i haven been doing this for the past few weeks and that made me extremely guilty.
my mock tests are barely making it and i am still wasting my time infront of the computer.
And also, due to the fact thati have been consistently doing it in the past few weeks,
i am lagging behind.
like behind behind.
everyone is secretly or not starting their revision and i am still stucked here.
actually its quite cool to make them admire you that you actually have a life and didn go through the torture that they are suffering now and just say: " HAHA! i spend my whole week end playing game!/Sleeping! etc"
but actually deep down,
your friend is celebrating the fact that you are actually lagging behind them and etc.
like it or not everyone has this kind of feeling once in a while,
they just want to check what their friends are doing,
and make sure that they are slacking and you secretly work hard yourself kinda of thing.
and actually, slacking your whole weekend away is totally not cool.
especially when the mock tests results come out.
and the impact comes right straight into your face when you realised that actually everyone may appear to be "slacking", they are actually not.
proven by their As and Bs and your Cs or Ds
But my question is, why do everyone want to lie about themselves working hard for it?
i mean like last time, i used to get questions like,
" How did you get such good results?"
and my reply would be " Cause i studied for it. Duh."
But for some, when they are asked the same question, they will just say: " haha!, nah, its just luck, i didn really study for it, you know."
i mean its ok if you say that for some tests but for that throughout,
you must have a hell lot of luck man.
i have to admit i used to do this, and ya, i am sorry for that.
the truth is, i really didn study for it.
believe it or not. you can even ask my sister. hahahah!
ok, i did. but i am definitely not those hardcore ones who study for the whole week before the exams,
i kind of only do it 1 day before it.
and i dont really count that much studying. yeap.
So ya, i actually see the huge red mark infront of me man.
i guess if gods exist, this must be my last warning.
i have been reducing the time spend on my computer but i still can't bring myself to sit there for hours.
by hook or by crook, i need to study and get my As.
The courses i want to go into are no joke.
its all like freaking one digits.
and i know that out there, there are some sick people whole will score suuper high and that will make me lose my place.
I know i have said this many times, but i have not done it, hopefully this time i will.
so yes, tatas, i am gonna do my hmk.
2 Posts in 2 days! i must be such an enthusiast!
I have went to the talk and they say to do well in a subject, you have to first learn to love it.
and Amaths, i totally love you :)
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