Ok, year end is coming, and i am a graduating student.
let me guess, apart from O's, most of you will be thinking of
prom?yes, today i want to blog just about it.
Ya, so today morning,
we were at the hall, and spend a few minutes deciding on prom night.
the school did some survery and it turns out that people are willing to spend like,
$80 bucks+/- for the prom night in a hotel.
The teacher finds that abit too expensive and decided to settle for countryclub,
which is almost just as good, and we only need to pay
$45i know whatever i am about to say might make me looks/sounds
stingy,but i am just merely stating my opinion so ya, dont take it to hear too much. :)
So now that you got the brief idea,
we were given a paper to choose if we will want the countryclub prom,
none.so, i was kind of
hesitant.i mean like afterall $45 is
not a small amount you know,, ( esp for a student..:/)
Also, when you go to prom night, you will want to dress up and it will add on to the expenses.
so if it is $45, you buy a dress, lets say $20?
then you buy shoes, $20?
that alone will take up to like
$65and i bet some people will be willing to spend even
more money just for the sake of buying a more expensive looking dress which actually you friend will just go WOW! and deep in their heart, they will just say:
Waste money, kinda of dress.
And at that point when i was thinking, our principal said about how fortunate we are etc,
to be able to celebrate in a countryclub/ hotel
and in the past they might just only celebrate in the school and such.
so i was thinking,
why not celebrate in school?but based on the expressions the others have when they hear that,
i can
totally guessed that the school thing will
never work.
Ah well~According to some of my friends they think that prom night is a
special night,
and they dont want their so called last day to be in the school and such.
and they feel that the atmosphere is just not right
and they will not have the motivation to dress up etc etc.
but seriously, if you say it more plainly,
issnt hotels,countryclubs and school halls just the same?It is still a empty space, just that is is filled with tables, which our school can do too,
it has frills on the wall, which we can add too,
but i guess the only difference is that it has carpet floor, ( maybe they might not even have carpet floors)
and maybe just the fact that you spend like loads of your parents
hard earn money on the ticket makes you have more
"face"i know it sounds bad, but in my eyes, it is just like throwing your parent's OT and hard work down the drain.
If you say you are using your own savings, i would like to point out that, your savings comes from your parents,
like it or not.and your savings is what you try to resist your favourite expensive foods for.
and you are just taking it out and spending it in just
one night?seriously, it is almost as scary as declaring bankrupt over night!
haha, now you must be thinking that i ticked
"No" on the box right,
but no,
i didn'tridiculous issnt it?i talked sooo much about the whole
i-hate-people-who-spend-money-on-prombut yet, i am doing that too
.(sorry! TT^TT!!)hah. I guess you can say i gave in to peer pressure.
if there are too much "No"s, the prom nights for the future batches will be
gone too,
and i already felt very bad for taking away their sec2 camp and don't want to take away their prom too.
also, i really want to go for prom night and take many amazing photos with my friends so i cant miss it!!
so yeap,
i guess if i really need to spend so much moeny, i won't really dress myself up much. :/
Tsk. But seriously i still don't understand why the girls need to be at the countryclub or hotel then they feel the need to dress themselves up,
why not just go in casual for all? :DDDya, end of my whining, i am gonna start saving up :(((
P.s:just to show off a little,
Shiyang, Elsa, Cher and me formed a team and went to the national accounting quiz,
guess what? we got into
top 30 teams out of like 200+/- teams!
Thanks team mates! :)