went for guzheng outing
first stop to east coast to play the sea water, the sand, and be retards :D
next stop to my house ( with zixin,jiamin,and xinyi) to grab our bbq stuff
last stop to carissa'a condo there to bbq~!
the bbq-ing was bad at first, and it gets better as we goes on :D
yeap yeap!
and and after the bbq, tricia the great entertainer,
yeap, did her job( well done btw! )
she asked everyone to dance and bascially everyone danced except some ( like me :X)
LOL, yeah so its like very funny coz they were like dancing those erm,
xishuashua dance
yeap everyone laugh their lungs out i guessed xDD!!
yeap, in conclusion, the bbq is not bad :D!
lols, and yeah today, hmm, nothing much,
i spend most of my time watching tarzan :X
and uploading the 6L pics :D!
and about 1hr tagging ppl T.T!( 6Loties better be thankful!)
anws, 6L(loyalties/lillies/loties {LOL})
go facebook and join the 6L'07 group ok?! :D
anws, random, but DAPHNE!
guess what?!
my sister right,
her assignment is to like cosplay and like guide the new teacher around and and
guess what again!
this year's theme is HARRY POTTER.
yeah, cool right!
its like the YES man show coming alive LOLLOLLOL!
but i dont think there will be anyone cosplaying as ron
coz her course only have one poor guy
who will most likely cosplay as harry potter haha!
so yeah. just randomly telling you and making you alittle jealous :DDD
oh yes, hmm, heres a brain test for you guys and for a start....
if you want to know if you are smart or not, look down..
hello, its LOOK DOWN not SCROLL DOWN
but dont worry you are not the first :]
got fooled right?! :D wahahahs!
anws, heres a reward :]

nice one eh?
ok, tatas!
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