Monday, December 28, 2009
6L outing againnn
odd like our day today LOL
yeah anws, today is 6L's outing for movies
a simple one
but obviously lao tian ye cant stand to see us so happy tgt
so,, he try to make us sian diao by make VERY VERY LONG Qs
how long?
we can make one round at the lobby of the lift on the 5th floor
no joke man! D:
it's over! LOL ....tio influenced by sherye~
yeah, so we went to west mall, hoping to have a shorter line
like i said, lady luck not on our side D:
its freaking long there too
so we went backkkk to lot 1 bloody hell!
its still very long
and we reach at like 2pm?
and our show is 2.30
but seriously, i think lady luck hate guys coz she helped us! YAY
and why i say she hate guys its coz,
girls are the one Q-ing up for the tickets
while those obviously not very gentleman guys go play arcade
nice huh?
and yeap
we managed to buy the tickets by 2.30! :D
and we mixed up the tickets and "lucky draw" our seats
so the seating become:
Hwaimun, Haohan, Sherye, Me, yongli, Blank space for loner LOL, daryl, kahwei and dap.
so yeah,
and i realised me and sherye is the luckiest ppl!
no guys in between us~~ WEEEE
and yes yes,
have to praise yongli for putting his popcorn beside me when i asked for it
but i ended up not eating coz i scares later i will be thristy...
but thnx for that effort dude!
anws, we watch Sherlock Holmes
seriously, he is sooo smart but his life so...messed up :/
yeah but its still nice!
coz i will be jealous if he is smart, and clean and perrfect
yeah, and the show is quite...violent? LOL
i dunno i jump in my chair how many times siah!
for sherlock's risky-ness
hahas but thats what make the show nice and exciting
and to the idiot who sit behind me,
you better watch out man!
you are asking for express way to be hated by girls when you step on their hair
damn you!
and you asking for trouble when you keep kicking others ppl's chair
yeap, after movies, we went to the empty space outside the 5th floor
to chit chat
but ended up pure silence for like 30 mins?!
and yeah so we decided to go home loh
thats all, xD
in conclusion its like expected lah hor?
so its still a nice outing HAHA
ok tatas!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
no ranking but its by order of arrival :D!
yeah, so i was like so excited that i left my house 20 mins earlier LOL
and reached at like 1145
anws, on the lrt i saw hwaimun!
and invited her to go 6L outing on monday and she say shd be able
hope it will be good news~ :D
and yeah so i waited and ppl arrived slowly :D
and we boarded the lrt to lot1
and guess who i met?!
wahaha get jealous ppl :D
anws, i didn really regconised her initially D:
shes like smilling and lookign at me
then i was like "hmmmm.." LOL
and yeah still regconise her lah! duh!
so we chatted and i asked her some stuff and so does she.
i shall leave some parts out LOL.
anws heres this exciting news theres, good and bad..
so,, i shall share the bad one first.
Mdm neo says shes only going back to zhps on 2011
fyi, shes on a no-pay leave yeap.
and for the good news:
she say she shd be able to make it for our chalet!~~~ :D
yeah and one more side new
she allowed us to know her email which me and some ppl kept secretly(opps)
yeah, but she say that her mail box shd be quite full
so if your msg cannot be sent, it maybe due to her full mailbox
so yeah... but she also added that she will start to clear her mail box dligently for us
so yeap, can ask me and dap for her mail :D
and fyi again, shes heading to IMM not lot 1 :]
so back to our trip,
we decided to watch chipmunks
which is like only 1.5hours
i think i am like trained by those transformers, hp, avatar,
that i am used to watching for like at least 2 hrs LOL
yeap, and after that we went to the toilet
and oh yes, be4 the movies, we took neo prints
which shall be private LOL
yeap and we went to waston to buy jingying's electrical curler,
and to the top floor to chat and see xiao hui being tortured by her juniors... LOL
and to basement to buy stuff to eat
and erm to sasa for jingying and leewoon to buy their stuff :/
and buy bubble tea and stuff and headed home
a boring trip but its still fun to catch up with each other :D
yeap :D
stay in contact arh pals! :D
Friday, December 25, 2009
chirstmas outing!
once again, MERRY CHRISTMAS! :D
yeap, decided to post be4 i loss my "feel" LOL
yeap, so i went out with my family today,
not really a christmas celebration,
but more of a family thing. yeah :D
so we went to bugis, and went to the new mall there...
i think called some
whatever~ LOL
the mall is new and basically big, and erm, very very spacy, and not much shops,
but i trust that it will start to develop soon yeap.
so we went there to confirm our booking and shopped around bugis streets with my sisters
while my parents go off for their sweet date in OG xD
so me and my sisters walked like 3-4 rounds around bugis street second lvl....:/
shopping for quite a few stuff, like clothes,dress, hair stuff,
but most of them are theirs, not mine lah,
i am not the shopping type of person compared to my sisters LOL :/
so yeah, then they bought two tees, which writes:
"Blur Queen, as blur as sotong."
and one more is...
"Dont care, dont know lah ,dont want to know"
hahas, quite cute,
but i prefer one that have a picture of a cute cow, saying:
"yes i am mad so stop eating me!"
HAHA! so cute right! :D
but they nvr buy D:
then at around 5pm we set off to the iluma mall, to shop or rather look abit. xD
and i saw this Otaku shop
and obviously, i got this instinct to check it out lah!
then i went in, and found out that,
its some place for you to look for your perrrrfect cosplay clothes.
but i must say that its quite limited though xD
yeah, but saw quite alot lah...
on the display the put the shugo chara girl clothes,
and in the closet,
they put the kaname in VK de uniform, and naruto's shirt.
guess those clothes are selling real hot LOL. and theres those dolls yeap,
and many many keychain items
such as:
Zoro's sword No.1
Zoro's sword No.2
Zoro's Sword No. 3
ok, and somemore like luffy's hat or inuyasha's sword
or bleach's swords
*floating into otaku's world* LOL
and we bought gummies to smuggle into the cinemaaa LOL.
and off we go to watch...
ok, some of you who dunno this show maybe rolling your eyes
and thinking that its just some stupid show
that have blue looking ppl holding spears and jumping around.
but those who watch it will definitely be defending it like what i am doing now
yeah i admit be4 i watch that show i was like...
those blue ppl look abit.. fake. LOL
but when you look at it for sometime, it looks good.
in fact its GREAT. yeah
love the effects.
its a good show casting about how ugly humans were.
ugly as in, in the heart and mindset and etc etc.
we are just pure greedy in a way and darn selfish.
so when i watch the show i became sooooo twisted that..
i hoped for the human's death
ok, my confession ok?!
i mean like in normal shows, when humans die,
i will most likely be like TT_TT
*sobs *sobs*
but when i watch avatar,
when humans die,
its not exggerated
ok, maybe abit.
but yeah its that impactful LOL
**** the following part contains spoiler :]*******
ok, i totally LOVE the dragons
or whatever they are
you know those that flies
yeah yeah :D!!
but i hate two things.
you need to fight with it be4 you get it.
and you have to have those disgusting-looking hair to "bond"
but in the first place, i am not living in the planet WAHAHAHA.
so its like my own shuang-ness :D
and i love their
**** end of my small section of spoiler LOL i think i spoilt alot...******
but whatever,
yeap, so after that i asked my dad, if the show is nice
and he say yeah
and i am like totally teasing him
for thinking that the show is
some childish cartoon with blue looking ppl jumping around with spears.
and hope my mom is not disappointed
coz when she knows we are watching a movie shes like
and me and my sister is like almost rolling one the ground LOL
we didn know she have interests in THAT.
yeap i have cute parents :D
please dont be jealous LOL!
and afterwards we went to the nearby hawker to have dinner and headed back and here i am :D
anws, gotta sleep soon coz tmr got to go out with xiaohui and jingying :D
so yeap,
P.s if you nvr get any present, it means you are naughty! Unh Ohhhh! LOL
i forgot to add this and dunno where to add it so i just add it here and edits.
yeah, in the cinema complex at iluma, their seating de spacind is
its enough for me to like stretch my leg 45 degrees?
yeah, so its really highly recommended for good comfort! :DDDDD
and one lesson learnt: next time bring a jacket for my mom.
in the first place its weird she nvr bring a jacket
despite being the one who is like the most afraid of cold places.
and in the middle of the movie, she asked for mine since i sit beside her -,-""
wo de ma yaaa
and by the end of the movie i am like chattering LOL!
but yeah, its still a good experience LOL
tags replies
the 300th post shall be reserved for my loyal taggers,
so please stay loyal :D
LOL, anws, theres to much tags to reply thnx to some ppl like
yeah, its THAT much :]
i just realised i dont need to go down to cbox, so yeah, being real truthful T.T
dap,zoey, cher and loyal taggers dont be jealous and stop tagging me
i will try replying today, but if i cant,
i will have to update it later since its christmas today and i am going out :D
so yeah,
ok, tags replies!
Yun xiao jie to the great taggers of her blog:
Voldy: LOL, i almost typed your name say "COLDY" XD dont put spells one meee~~ xD anws, you are not invited to the party or wadever like me AWWW~ XD they not getting hogwarts robes, but they MAKING. i think. yeah. zoey love you? SURE ANOT? D: * heartbreaks* LOL but i dont think so....~ xDDD
Zoey: *slaps back and dont you ever dare to run away from my shou zhang xin!* <>
Xinyi: LOL! YOU FINALLY TAGGED GIRLLL! :D why tag so evil stuff tsk tsk! i didn teach you to be that wayyy! nvm, thnx for reminding me LOL! i left 400 words essay! at most i spam it with HOMEWORK SUCK topic XD
Fangwei: YOYO! hahas, nvm, just rmb to tag more often now! I VERY FORGIVING ONE! LOL! wow, cool never dying the kpop craze, and its expanding! :DLOL, i dont wanna grow fatter! OMTTTTTTTT! xD
Daryl and not darly : LOL, i forever LOVE to play with your name LOL! did i start that trend?! XDDDD okok thnx i think you shd have linked me by now LOL. so yeah its fine~ :D and i dont understand that chinese sentence.. what make you think i am so tian zhen?! LOL *evil laughters* and thnx for linking meee~ :D
Cher: YEAP busy person and high in demand! LOL it make me sound like some items on sales, but whatever~LOL, you tags so random, but thats just so your style :D!
Zoey: HIIIIII... :/ and what you want dude?!
Pillow: CRAPPISH! LOL. yeap yeap i got help you organise ABIT. very kind le D: nvr charge you my GST and interest LOL! jkjk xD
Yuting: you know i very rebellious one, if ppl tell me dont tell them they are bad i will say.... YOU ARE THE WORST! WEEEE! LOL. update le lahh D: see i so guai lahs! BOOHOO BAD FRIEND! LOL!
Xiaoqi: Woah, thailand, fun anot? xD wahahas, dont need thnx me one, you tag back i very happy le! and THATS MY AIM! MUWAHAHAHAH! LOL. yeah playing very hard now! like stones! ( ok, not funny) yeah :D
Voldy: LOL but i didn mah D: YOU SAYING I NOT NORMAL?! D: lols, not i choose one, my dad wants the best for the last but he ended up sleeping ~.~
Yuting: i totally dont get what you mean! :O *screams* IS IT THE NEW ALIEN LANG?! hahas, go try movie marathon and you will be sleeping OPPS! LOL. yeap pokemon, GOT PROBLEM?! LOL. cya soon T.T somehow i hate this cya soon thing now D:
Zoey: eww, i dont want to play hello kitty online! *screams*
Yuting: good blogger, repling to tags now ok! dont play play! XD
Jiaxin: Chair your head! but i relinked anws LOL
Sister: what you say is very unreliable! D: but the news just report about it few days ago, so yeah LOL.
Zoey: i mention the chicken dance coz...... I FEEL LIKE IT. can? LOL acceptable answer? xDD
Jo: too bad larh hor? LOL *blame blame blame* xDDDD coz you famous for playing it like mad xDDDD!
Ling: nvm, its fine xD but next tiem must save for 6L horrrrr! D:
Zoey: Auntie your head, 2 months older only, then dap become AHMA le. wait she IS my ahma AHHHHHHH! LOL. see lah you late by 10 mins! TSK TSK!
Yuting: lols, her mind not working well that day xD thnx :D i will enjoy myself de! ( without you too!) :DDDDDD
Cher: LOL, dont need to be jealous WAHAHAHA! I GOT NEW CAMERAAAAAA LOL. save up money bahhh~ xD
Voldy: i not online you missed me? xDDD merry christmas too :]
Zoey: Merry christmas :D its not nice , its VERY nice of you to come tagging only 43 mins later! HMPH! but i didn even online so yeah, thnx girl :D
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
songs and pics :]
we are going backkkk to history! LOL
anws, gonna edit this post soon once i can transfer my new cam's photos! :D
due to the internet connection, i only can upload one -,-""
so yeah.
loveeeee my new cameraaaa!!! :D
and both my sisters cut bangs/fringe~~
xD and dyed their hair
but the funny part is my mom still ask me this retard qns:
Why you never dye hair?
and when i reply is like
Walao! mama! How old am i in your mind arh?!
and my dad...tsk!
when he come back right, he came into our room, and look at my sister,
then dinner time also
then i go ask him
Eh papa!, see jiejie liddat nice?
and you know he say what?!
ARH?! YOU CUT YOUR HAIR ARH?! *talking to my sister*
and he even took some time to realise the changes
and thats my typical family for you~
对面的女孩看过来 ~歌词 dui mian de nu hai kan guo lai
jie jie mei mei zhan qi lai ,姐姐妹妹站起来,stand up sisters
Meteour Garden Ost Qing Fei De Yi
Dao Xiang - Jay Chou
Jay Chou - 世界末日- Shi Jie Mo Ri
彩虹 Rainbow - 周杰倫 MV by Jay Chou
Hakuna Matata
The Monkey's Uncle
The Spectrum Song
Disney Songs- Heigh Ho
The Little Mermaid - 'under The Sea'
Kiss The Girl Little Mermaid
Part Of Your World -
Disney - Beauty And The Beast - Beauty And The Beast
Meteor Garden ~ You'll Be In My Heart
Aladdin - A Whole New World
Fruits Basket Opening Full Vers.
Tomoyo Song Version Original
You Are My Love: Tsubasa Chronicles
Yume No Tsubomi
Shugo Chara Character Song Album Best - 09. Heartful Song - - Mizuki Nana
If We Hold On Together
Graduation By Vitamin C
Firefly By A*teens
Wonderful Days
Cardcaptor Sakura Catch You Catch Me Amv
Slam Dunk Anime Opening Theme Song
另一個天堂 - 王力宏 Ft 張靚穎
盧廣仲 早安,晨之美mv 完整版
Si Ben Dao Yue Qiu / Elope To The Moon
Brand New Breeze By Kanon
1-06 Under The Double Eagle.mp3
Elmo's Song
C Is For Cookie - Sesame Street
Witch Doctor.mp3
Legend Of Mermaid By ’†“c‚ ‚·‚ýaŽ›–åm”üaó–ì‚ü‚ä‚ý
Inuyasha - Change The World By Inuyasha
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
sentosa/vivo trip
6L outing to sentosaaaa! :D
me, zoey and dap met at 8.55am to go shujun's house to make sushi
first try but not bad :D
at least better than dap LOL!
and we set off to bpp and waited for the rest
joey came, followed by yongli and kahwei
and followed by zhiwei who felt cheated by dap coz he thought the twins coming
so zhiwei called the twins to come and we have to wait for them
as for priscilla, at 9am plus she smsed dap that she can only go at like 11 plus
then soon, become 12 plus
keep on dragging
so yeah
we waited like 1 hour plus opposite the taxistand's bus stop
for the twins who took taxi? or bus..?
whatever but if its taxi, i guess i am about to sue the company LOL
so damn slow lah!
ok, and we set off the vivo to buy the tickets to sentosa.
on the way we played truth or dare promoted by dap
seriously, jojo, what did you do to dap? LOL!
(poor innocent(?) jo got blamed xD)
when we reach there,
its raining D:
so dampening -,-"
so we go vivo there to shop around while waiting for pris to arrive
we breifly shopped toys R us (trying hard to act young? xD)
and went to arcade -,-
where the guys play the hitting game like siao LOL!
its something like this:
theres a screen,
and you have alot of small balls there for you to hit the target in the screen
so the guys are like throwing madly
and sadly, they dont hit a single thing LOL
so idiotic XD!
and when they throw they scold vulgar -,-
so it became from a fun arcade game to
NC16 arcade game LOL
but its fun to watch them and laugh HAHA~
and our dear old pris finally reached vivo at like 1 plus?
or 2 plus?
and yeah, it rainned again
and we waited and when it stopped,
we chiong to buy the ticket which rejects money -,-"
we spend lots of time entertaining the machine lah!
and zhiwei, if you are reading, i still rmb you owe me $1.30 LOL
and i am adding interest every second :D!
jkjk -,-
take it as i treat bah for once -,-""
and we trained to sentosa
and it freaking rain again!
and we tried waiting for awhile and its only getting heavier
so we decide to head back to vivo,
but half way
the freaking rain stopped
so pekceked lah!
so we just carried on and go to vivo.
after reaching vivo,
we played taidi
11ppl arh, mind you,
behind the security siah!
the security turn, then we die liao LOL
but i think the security heck care lahs so yeah,
after that we went to the movie theatre to check for movie but only got
Planet 51 and Zombieland -,-
so lame...
so the guys go arcade AGAIN,
and me and zoey went to daiso, and the rest of the girls go walk around
me and zoey walked the whole freaking pet safari and arcade and sort of like the whole top floor,
3 freaking times
finding them siah!
then they ended up sitting somewhere near the mega big christmas tree and play
"zhong ji mi ma"
just to fight for the sushis xD!
and after that we play cheat, and heart attack edited version
zoey do forfeit~~~
she danced the chicken dance LOL
in public ok?!
sad thing i didn video LOL!
she will kill me HAHA!
and we head back home after that loh
yeah.. thats about all.. xD
just to let those ppl know,
while we are playing and laughing like dunno what,
our poor oh syafiq is looking for us in sentosa
he ran to the 3 beaches leh!
and he still very kindly say that its just a small workout
anws, he reach at 3pm, and 5pm liddat went to vivo,
and only went home at 8pm
so guilty siah!
but luckily he met his friend in sentosa and played volleyball lah, so not that bad :]
lesson learnt from him: next time, ask for those ppl going de contacts!!!
and yeah just a side note, after we went home, 6L had a 6L conver till 1am
but not very active though
in conclusion, its a pretty fun outing :D
with 6L, everything seems so funnnn
ok i know thats cheesy, but its the truth ok?!
Love 6Loyalty forever! :]
p.s: noticed i bolded those people who went de names :D
p.s.s i will find someday to post all my replies so please continue tagging! :]
Monday, December 14, 2009
yeap i shall save the 300 for something special?
( trying to cook up reasons to slack off from posting LOL)
anws, i am just so very busy yeap!
ytd went out to have dinner with my family and aunts
coz one of my aunt stirke lottery :D
so in total theres like 9 ppl,
and we ordered 9 dishes :DDDDD
theres fried yam,
huo guo,
fried salad prawn,
crispy chicken,
broccoli plus scallop and mushroom,
sweet pai gu,
sea cucumber
fired you tiao
and i cant rmb the last one LOL
yeap, very very huge dinner :D
oh yes, they even gave us free dessert
and its some corn sago i guess :/
jealous? :D
wahahas, anws,
on wed going sentosa with 6Ls to slack :D
and on thurs, going to collect books with zoey
and friday gonna go library with yuting and zoey
this time i must make myself suuuper tanned!
oh yes! if you noticed, my mixpod is changed D:
not the cute bear bear anymore
coz youtube's videos can only be loaded if theres the application to watch the video
so yeap,
have to change mine T.T
if not most of the songs will be missing~~~
anws, random fact,
my sis say next year's new year gonna be on 14 feb?
all couples 3 liao xD
i dunno is the info correct, if its wrong,
find my sister :P
ok, post le,
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
post-ing :D
ishall be a good erm blogger
and post something!
i dont really recall anything special :/
oh yes,
on saturday right,
we had a sort of family movei marothon xD!
starting from, 3pm?
we watched 3 movies :D!
with my sister, and dad :]
its :
1) Narnia : Prince caspian
2) Transformers 2
3) Harry potter : half blood prince
LOL, and guess what?
my dad fell asleep after harry potter plays for like 30 mins? xD!
and my sis gave up on it, since she finds it quite boring
so only left me to watch the half blood prince ALONE
and obviously, i fast forward it xDDD!
anws, dap dont be hurt :D
anws, currently i am rewatching pokemon
believe it!
boredom really drove me mad LOL
i think i will watch hello kitty next -,-""
perhaps i just missed my childhood so much ehhh?? xDDD
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
went for guzheng outing
first stop to east coast to play the sea water, the sand, and be retards :D
next stop to my house ( with zixin,jiamin,and xinyi) to grab our bbq stuff
last stop to carissa'a condo there to bbq~!
the bbq-ing was bad at first, and it gets better as we goes on :D
yeap yeap!
and and after the bbq, tricia the great entertainer,
yeap, did her job( well done btw! )
she asked everyone to dance and bascially everyone danced except some ( like me :X)
LOL, yeah so its like very funny coz they were like dancing those erm,
xishuashua dance
yeap everyone laugh their lungs out i guessed xDD!!
yeap, in conclusion, the bbq is not bad :D!
lols, and yeah today, hmm, nothing much,
i spend most of my time watching tarzan :X
and uploading the 6L pics :D!
and about 1hr tagging ppl T.T!( 6Loties better be thankful!)
anws, 6L(loyalties/lillies/loties {LOL})
go facebook and join the 6L'07 group ok?! :D
anws, random, but DAPHNE!
guess what?!
my sister right,
her assignment is to like cosplay and like guide the new teacher around and and
guess what again!
this year's theme is HARRY POTTER.
yeah, cool right!
its like the YES man show coming alive LOLLOLLOL!
but i dont think there will be anyone cosplaying as ron
coz her course only have one poor guy
who will most likely cosplay as harry potter haha!
so yeah. just randomly telling you and making you alittle jealous :DDD
oh yes, hmm, heres a brain test for you guys and for a start....
if you want to know if you are smart or not, look down..
hello, its LOOK DOWN not SCROLL DOWN
but dont worry you are not the first :]
got fooled right?! :D wahahahs!
anws, heres a reward :]

nice one eh?
ok, tatas!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Qiu Biqing has an aggregate score of 290, and this is the first time the neighbourhood school has produced a top PSLE student.
The highest PSLE score ever recorded is 294 in 2007, from St Hilda’s Primary School.
Six other top PSLE students are also from neighbourhood schools. These primary schools include South View, Greenridge, Gongshang and Rulang.
The 2009 Primary 6 cohort is the first batch of pupils under Subject—based Branding who sat for the PSLE.
The branding programme was implemented from the 2008 Primary 5 cohort to give pupils the flexibility of taking a mix of subjects at Standard or Foundation levels, depending on their strengths and abilities in each subject.
97.1 per cent of pupils who sat for PSLE this year will proceed to secondary school.
Secondary One posting results will be released on Tuesday, December 22.
cool huh? xD
why no zhenghua?!
nvm, but nevertheless.
it proves that neighbourhood schools can do it! :D
hahas, i know this is like totally random but yeah
just a random post~ :D
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
yeap, i am posting about WALT DISNEY PRINCESSES!
LOL, boredom finally did it!
i finally end up watching most of the disney princesses story LOL
its quite nostalogical actually :D
and yeap posting about it :DDDDD!
liek hello, at least i am posting right! D:
okok. lets continue :D
lets start the topic with all the beautiful princesses! :DDDDD!

and oh yes, i shall post about my fav princesses :D
* drum roll*
wahahas, so cute loh the beast :3
just watch it and you will know :DDDD!! WAHAHAHAHH!
and for those lucky princesses show that i like,
they get to be recommended and posted on my blog!
( though not a very high honour but,, nevertheless, better than nothing~)
see! the beauty so happy with the beast :D wahahahs!
and try to guess the next one??
* drum roll*
she like the prettiest and best voice one loh :DDD
ok, beauty is just as pretty as her :D! WAHAHHAHAH!
envy that she get to have the chance to live underwater AND on land D:
so cool lahs! D:
and heres her picture :D
thats all, those two are my favs :DD!
anws, if you noticed,
the rewatching of those rpincesses show make me finally spam my playlist with new songs! :D
and yeah, finally got a picture for the song LOL

Meteour Garden Ost Qing Fei De Yi
Dao Xiang - Jay Chou
Jay Chou - 世界末日- Shi Jie Mo Ri
Hakuna Matata
The Monkey's Uncle
The Spectrum Song
Disney Songs- Heigh Ho
The Little Mermaid - 'under The Sea'
Kiss The Girl Little Mermaid
Part Of Your World -
Disney - Beauty And The Beast - Beauty And The Beast
Meteor Garden ~ You'll Be In My Heart
Aladdin - A Whole New World
Fruits Basket Opening Full Vers.
Tomoyo Song Version Original
You Are My Love: Tsubasa Chronicles
Yume No Tsubomi
Shugo Chara Character Song Album Best - 09. Heartful Song - - Mizuki Nana
If We Hold On Together
Graduation By Vitamin C
Firefly By A*teens
Wonderful Days
Cardcaptor Sakura Catch You Catch Me Amv
Slam Dunk Anime Opening Theme Song
另一個天堂 - 王力宏 Ft 張靚穎
盧廣仲 早安,晨之美mv 完整版
Si Ben Dao Yue Qiu / Elope To The Moon
Brand New Breeze By Kanon
1-06 Under The Double Eagle.mp3
Elmo's Song
C Is For Cookie - Sesame Street
Witch Doctor.mp3
Legend Of Mermaid By c ·ýaåmüaóìüäý
Inuyasha - Change The World By Inuyasha
Monday, November 23, 2009
haha! twilight :P
- Twilight: New Moon 75%
- Transformers 2 69%
- 2012 63%
- Half-Blood Prince 57%
- Angels and Demons 51%
- X-Men: Wolverine 49%
- Avatar 48%
- Up 48%
- Red Cliff 2 34%
- Star Trek 30%
wahahahah! so shuang!
this is the result from the voting on msn about which movie is not to be missed
and my dear dear daph, see!
twilight and half blood prince is like 3 ranks apart :DDD!
anws, glad that the 2012 that 6L(illies) watched tgt is like 3rd :D!!
( somemore better than half blood prince) WAHAHAHAHAH!
bet dap is soo gonna go spam the voting LOL!
Friday, November 20, 2009
6L movie
its a nice movie :]
thought idk why the monk is on the poster LOL.
nothing much to say lah, its just like the usual :D
but nevertheless, like usual---> just as enjoyable~ :}
love 6Loyalty :3
ok, btw, i change my blog song LOL,
add some disney songs :D!
those are more cheery and sort of make me sing along kindda song :D
i recommend all xDD!
Hakuna Matata
The Little Mermaid - 'under The Sea'
Kiss The Girl Little Mermaid
The Monkey's Uncle
The Spectrum Song
Beauty and the beast - Be our guest
Disney Songs- Heigh Ho
Fruits Basket Opening Full Vers.
Tomoyo Song Version Original
You Are My Love: Tsubasa Chronicles
Yume No Tsubomi
Shugo Chara Character Song Album Best - 09. Heartful Song - - Mizuki Nana
If We Hold On Together
Graduation By Vitamin C
Firefly By A*teens
Wonderful Days
Cardcaptor Sakura Catch You Catch Me Amv
Slam Dunk Anime Opening Theme Song
另一個天堂 - 王力宏 Ft 張靚穎
盧廣仲 早安,晨之美mv 完整版
Si Ben Dao Yue Qiu / Elope To The Moon
Brand New Breeze By Kanon
1-06 Under The Double Eagle.mp3
Elmo's Song
C Is For Cookie - Sesame Street
Witch Doctor.mp3
Legend Of Mermaid By ’†“c‚ ‚·‚ýaŽ›–åm”üaó–ì‚ü‚ä‚ý
Inuyasha - Change The World By Inuyasha
Thursday, November 19, 2009
SEA ceremony
and its totally tiring D:
performers need to go school at around 1130 and it freaking ends at 9pm
and and during the performance, i need to bow mah, then i stand,
my chair pang!
and fall Lol!
so totally malu >,,,,,<
then i just turn back and smile at the audience, and continue
sian jialat D;
anws, later gonna go watch 2012 with 6Lillies C:
soooo look forward to it~ :D
and and, btw here are my subs:
A maths'
hope i didn miss out any :/
oh yes, and and i am going to 3D!
and sad to think, but in sec 4, it will be 4D :/
hope i strike the top three prizes?! xDDD
hahas, hope those who appeal will have their wished-choice granted ;D
Sunday, November 15, 2009
post post!
i shall post my current fav comic~ :D
and its....
wooooo! its a very very interesting comic
where luffy is the main character, ( and omt, he is freaking naive)
and he wants to be the king of pirates,
on the way he meets alot of wonderful team mates like ZORO!, nami,ussop,sanji,chopper,robin, franky and the skeleton :D
so cool right??
and mind you loh, their childhood all very touching one T.T!
and obviously, my fav character is not luffy,
zoro is a swordsman damn cool one loh, and yeah suuper loyal
ok, shall not say any more ;D look at the picutres~~
Picture no.1 :D from left to right, sanji,nami,luffy,ZORO!,ussop! :DDDD

the picture above is the perrrrfect example of a good art and funny one too :D

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
theres two things i am happy about.
1) My Computer is back!!!
* screams* AHHHHHH!
he is like 7 days early?!
LOL, guess ppl cant understand my happiness :D
anws, the 2nd is:
2) YTD CHALET IS somehow GREAT! :]
i am now darn high!
anws, the photos will most likely be posted on facebook,
i am too lazy to post on two places :D
yeap, the bbq is great, i hope everyone enjoyed him/herself
hope alicia,pirs.lee,xueqi,shaowei all the best LOL,
not that they got sick due to food
but i think they were sick due to other reasons yeap.
hahas, ytd bbq is a bbq-steaming parade :D
almost everyone got " steamed" once HAHAHA!
and the food is never too safe HAHA!
but nevertheless, my food is always marvelous :]
hope she likes the birthday cake and the celebration :]
wahahas. need to credit the mahjong family for this terrific chalet though i didn stay :D
thnx arh :D
ok,i need to rush off to post my pictures on facebook,
so yeah, signing off!!
Friday, November 6, 2009
went guzheng! weeee! :D
wahahas, not bad lah, didn forget the songs that badly :D
but, we still need xinting T.T!
kai dian hui lai! ( sorry this lappy cannot type chinese =,-)
sososososososo stress :/
need to go for two performances -,-
and one is like on sunday, which is like so soon lohs D:
luckily theres more pracs hahas!
but the practice also getting alittle restless lah,
since all we do is keep replaying the same two song D:
haiz, but better than nothing to do :D
hahas, short post :]
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
hey hey
your friend here is turning into a nerd
say hi! LOL
sian lohs, D:
i shall breifly type out my spending:
8.30am or even earlier or later, : wake up sian D;
830-930: do house work x.x
supposed to do everyday one but i argue with my mum to on even days :D!
but everyday have to help with the laundry and the vacuum (which can only be done in the afternoon co zi dont want to disturb the neighbours D:)-,-
only wiping on even days D:
so sad hor?
930-12/1 : COMPUTER ARHHHH! & eat breakfast& eat lunch LOL
1-130 :bathe :D
130- 7 : Read library books/ play ds D:
7 - 8 : watch TV~and eat dinner
8-10 : continue to read/ play ds
see! my life so boring lahhs!
sian sian sian!
looking forward to guzheng prac,
since at least i can do some innovative stuff LOL
but i never practice lehs x.x
die liao D:
and and random note:
the raining is getting on my nerves D:
yeah it will be good to be cooling but like stop raining and stopping mah!
i kept opening and closing the window lohs D:
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
but i have got nothing much to post so...
tags reply!
anws, to all taggers
SORRY! due to my laziness, i neglected the tagboard worhs!
but i have been reading your tags no worries :D
yeah, so heres your very very late reply :D!
happy reading ok?
oh yes, continue to support me LOL!
Yun to :
Zoey: dream believer our head D: so nan ting :X
Xiao qi : lols, you tagged alot lehs! :D thnx arh, anws, dont bun your papers, can use for next year mah, and and burning harms the ozone layer~ we have to be environmental conscious :D wakakakas, see, me so kind :D and and i am not spamming the facebook liao lah D: soo, i so guai~ LOL! :D* winks*
Pillow: YO BUDDY! go plan the east coast park one lah, i think like no one interested in escape lohs! so sad D: planplanplan :D! wakakas, i look forward to it arhhh! >:D
Voldy: LOL, hows the battle? i guess voldy dying soon LOL! WAAAAAAHAHAHAHHA~~~
Ling: hahas, shh~ :D
Pillow: LOL, i dont wanna be your crappich partner D: dont pinch meee~~~~
jiaqi : LOL, all the best arh xiao jie! :D
Yuting: ah yi your head, i that old mehs D: LOL, what if i cant stay cheerful coz of you? LOL!WAHAHAHAH~yeah loh, keep torturing my ear D: how to be happy huh?! LOL!
Poosila: HAHA yo :D! anws, i got go lah, the chalet :D but onyl for one day though i cant stay LOL!
Yuting: You everday come also tag about the same de stuff one D: no life siah~LOLS, why you tag i wont rot? exercise my hands to type back? LOL!
Munny: Woah, its like ages ago since your last tag loh! nam, i shall be more forgiving since you are special LOL! touched by my birthday wishing hor? :D!!
Yuting: hahas, not really not expected lah, i told my dad hor, if your english pass you confirm overtake me one see~, it came true :D
Jiaqi : hahas, happy with my results lah :D hope you are happy with yours too! i guess there shoudl be alot fo improvements since you worked very hard!~ :D
Zoey: You think i care?! :D
David Santos : hahas, happy hols thnx btw :D
Vivian: Now then you know i got nice songs meh?! i xing xing ku ku collect de lehs D:
Sissy: LOL, dont ever think about it :] wahahahaha!
YC : hahas, thnx, :D jiayou worhs!! :D
Yang: you go print the poster yourself lah, can keep at your house somemore, and WORSHIP MEEEEEEEEE! woooohoooo~ :D dont throw darts hor! its not nice D:
Alicia: hahas, cya at the chalet~ which is when arh? :O i forgot D:
Xiao qi: hahas, cool~ both thought of me lehs! WOOT! so shuang, anws, i dont think so lah, first choice is double sci :D more stressfree HAHAHAH~! cya at chalet! :D
Nerissa: LOL! its be ages sonce you tag loh! WELCOME BACKKKKK! :D tag more often hor :D
Voldy: LOL, cant find you lehs, you must be too short >:D wahahahahs! * evil*
yoohoo! i finished my replying :D
happy reading and of course, rmb to tag~! :D
hahas, i even make the effort to make it so colourful lohs!
so good right :D