Sorry for neglecting my blog for such a long time,
and i am sorry to say that i might continue neglecting it LOL.
ok fail.
anws, nothing mcuh to blog about :/
its just the usual everyday
wake up, go school, go remidial, go cca, go home, do hmk, slack, sleep.
it is a repetitive cycle T^T
some of my friends are liek starting their freaking o lvl revision like now? D:
i just cant help but think that once i start now, i am gonna be stressed up 24/7. -_-"
and seriously, teachers a contradicting themselves.
they say
"start your revision nowwwwwwwwww."
and they just out of dunno what ( maybe kindness?) add:
"Don't feel stressed ok? :)"
and they just continue:
" I am testing everything for your midyear."
they should just settle themselves on stressing us up.
seriously, idk, i feel that everyone is sooo, soo.. normal?
if someone is abnormal, they are immediately thrown into the "weird" group or something.
and teachers went all the way to show us how some people who used to skip school etc and became a successful businessman etc etc,
then how about those who seriously studied and like aced everything etc etc?
why no documentaries about them?
well, maybe their oh-so-perfect-life wasnt as inspiring and fun?
being in school somehow limits our abilities.
we have this standard cycle of
sleeping, studying, doing hmk, cca, computer.
how very entertaining~
and if we start to "waste our time" on some other stuff, ppl will be like D:<
"dont waste your time on those stuff, now studies more important!"
what is considered wasting your time? :(
and what the scary thing is right, we are already in this, the moment we are born,
we have to study and earn those certificates and for our whole life,
we will just be constantly studying and earning those certificates.
so when can we stop studying?
i know that knowledge is good,
but i find experiences better.
there is always stuff that you will have to learn out of your textbook.
For those who really earned their certificates, they end up lost. No?
for all their lives, they are just studying, they dont even have a freaking dream!
or perhaps those dream are trashed as they study,
closing their doors of opportunities thanks to the certificates
and seriously when in life will you use those formulas?
will you be like
OMG! I SEE A TRIANGLE! let me find it's angle!
kind of thing?
like wth?
i know it trains our critical thinking skill but why force ppl to train it when some people are just different?
everyone is different, we think differently, and we do stuff differently,
But do we even think so much before we do stuff?
people in the past dont even learn that much but somehow they just know more than what we learn from textbooks.
Do you think they learnt how the water boils and the particles move or something?
i doubt so.
Why do we even want to know how the particles move when we dont really see them? o-o
we just know the water boils and know that is enough for us issnt it? o-o
so i guess there are stuff that we just learn out of textbooks :/
and now the standard is getting high,
trust me man, by the time i become an adult,
i bet even the hawker auntie have a university cert man!
so that means i will need a PhD or something to earn more money and
by the time i obtain that i will be around 30 years old?
and we will have to spare time for family planning and stuff?
no wonder we have lesser and lesser babies,
everyone is too busy getting those certificates
because afterall, time is running out~
so what really is wasting your time?
sian, despite the fact that i am saying so much,
i am just another normal person who go through this cycle.
afterall, who is daring enough to give up these certificates and try out their luck in this world where certificate is everything?
tsk tsk.