wee! today we got the breifing of Connect Singapore
during assembly
where schs involved will hold hands and like
the citizens will be connected tgt, round SINGAPORE!
and the VIP is our president!!
ppl who are involved tell me the sch you are in and where you are stationed at :D
mine is at bishan de stadium there..
then today also got alot of prize giving!
it is like,, got alot of shooters of west spring go up take prizzie!
congrats to benjamin( hope spelling correct)
for winning the 4th or sth o.o
and and our sch got one gal,,
she won the national CHAMPION!
and broke the world record!
soo proud of it man!
and congrats to the netabllers;
jiajia aka jiaqi, vivian, xueqi, jacob..
they are those from our class de lar.
weee! looking forward to 8/8
coz olyimpic games, and national day celebration and CONNECT SINGAPORE!
this is my 97th post :D
i shall save my 100th for the 8/8 :D
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
lols second post of the day! yippee!
i am HIGH!
*ZI high*
coz i ate tomyam -.-
oh yeah why i come here?
i rmb liao
my TV spoilt!!!
sad hor? it id during dinner time -.- so after dinner my family ,except me and er jie,
sad hor? it id during dinner time -.- so after dinner my family ,except me and er jie,
all go out to buy TV DDD:
sadded! cant go out lor! coz i haven touch my homework..:X
sadded! cant go out lor! coz i haven touch my homework..:X
hahas! now left like one more qns very gd ler :D
i just wonder,,
ok this is more and more looking like a cucumber and poisonous apple to me now :S
lucky day!
hahas! today very fun!!
ok from the start,, i shall erm,, fast forward till the the
after assembly :D
after assembly,, we are like walking pass the LC(?)
IFY: Lc = level corrordinator or sth liddat la..
coz we are suppose to sit according to our index number
i am OBVIOUSLY the LAST girl.
lols, can see that i am not very happy abt it..hahas..ok continue~
then i walk then saw shiyang kena pulled out,, followed by madeline, then
follow by erm,, who le ar?
victorette ( hope spelling is correct..)
then follow by vivian and xueqi..
all kena caught for the fringe..
then we walk back to class with like lesser than half of the class?
coz the shooting and NPCC i think have to like go rehersal..
for the national day :D
hope the shooting is not planning to shoot us :D
hahas,, jk -.-
ok,, then i was in class coz very guai you know.. dont have fringe LOL
then xueqi and vivian come back..O.O
then i ask her why so fast? then she say she run away..
then latyer shiyang and the others came back then shiyang tell xueqi
the LC wanna see you and vivian if not detention..
then xueqi was like O.O!!!!
then later she go meet her then ok ler lar.. :D
ok lets forward!
then during lit mr john..opps! mr goh told us STH
LOL i cant say lar,, later become hamster :P
hahas! promise are not meant to be broken ;D
so continue! FORWARD!
so then is like after recess we got chinese,, then the LC come and inspect our class! LOL!
then xueqi was like OMGOSH! O.O
LOL she soooo cute right?! hahas!
then after sch have to stay back to be lecture by miss yu TT_TT
we too DIRTY AND LAZY AND UN DISCIPLINED for goodness sake!
then so after that we made a pact with miss yu...o.o
then zoey have to stay back for ting xie coz she absent that day so me and shiyang and xueqi go canteen buy food to eat while waiting lar..
then nerissa,cher and aneeesha joined..
we ended up sitting down, eating, AND gossiping abt random things LOL
we very random de :D we like saying erm,, abt drinks,, then ice cream then say abt ppl hahas!
:DDDDD * content of the gossiping shall be confidential*
then we keep on chatting then cher and nerissa is sooooo CUTE :D!!!!!
hahas! and xueqi was soo dangerous :P
hahas~~ then me, shiyang and xue qi walked to jelapang LRT :D
then we chatted abt some erm,, polluted stuffs.. LOL cencored! :D
hahas! then go into LRT,,
then i was like standing,, facing the dorr that dont open one.. then shiyang and xueqi is facing me..
then shiyang suddenly say dont turn your face hor!!
then i was like why? * turn*
i saw!!! AHEM!
the bp guys LOL
sorry to say but not hao han, no hardi, no zhiwei..LOL
then which only left kah wei and kent liao mah! LOL which is soo obvious :D
LOL i say ahem coz you know ahem, LOL
shiyang is there..ahem!
their relationship is!!!
GOOD FRIENDS? o.o idk leh... o.o
ok continue..
then saw kent first the kah wei is blocked by a guy..o.o
then shiyang pull my head back liao..i only managed to say hi to kent in the end
kah wei shy shy~~
i forgot he learn wushu LOL
* no offence*!! :D
then shiyang was like damn hyper
coz xueqi was like what?who? where? LOL
then i was like explaining to xueqi
then shiyang keep on pinch me TT_TT
then the whole journey i dont dare turn face..
later shiyang pinch me harder..
then we walked home lor,, after alighting the LRT
hahas thats abt the end..OH YEAH
shiyang paiseh nia ><
the specs..TT_TT
ok from the start,, i shall erm,, fast forward till the the
after assembly :D
after assembly,, we are like walking pass the LC(?)
IFY: Lc = level corrordinator or sth liddat la..
coz we are suppose to sit according to our index number
i am OBVIOUSLY the LAST girl.
lols, can see that i am not very happy abt it..hahas..ok continue~
then i walk then saw shiyang kena pulled out,, followed by madeline, then
follow by erm,, who le ar?
victorette ( hope spelling is correct..)
then follow by vivian and xueqi..
all kena caught for the fringe..
then we walk back to class with like lesser than half of the class?
coz the shooting and NPCC i think have to like go rehersal..
for the national day :D
hope the shooting is not planning to shoot us :D
hahas,, jk -.-
ok,, then i was in class coz very guai you know.. dont have fringe LOL
then xueqi and vivian come back..O.O
then i ask her why so fast? then she say she run away..
then latyer shiyang and the others came back then shiyang tell xueqi
the LC wanna see you and vivian if not detention..
then xueqi was like O.O!!!!
then later she go meet her then ok ler lar.. :D
ok lets forward!
then during lit mr john..opps! mr goh told us STH
LOL i cant say lar,, later become hamster :P
hahas! promise are not meant to be broken ;D
so continue! FORWARD!
so then is like after recess we got chinese,, then the LC come and inspect our class! LOL!
then xueqi was like OMGOSH! O.O
LOL she soooo cute right?! hahas!
then after sch have to stay back to be lecture by miss yu TT_TT
we too DIRTY AND LAZY AND UN DISCIPLINED for goodness sake!
then so after that we made a pact with miss yu...o.o
then zoey have to stay back for ting xie coz she absent that day so me and shiyang and xueqi go canteen buy food to eat while waiting lar..
then nerissa,cher and aneeesha joined..
we ended up sitting down, eating, AND gossiping abt random things LOL
we very random de :D we like saying erm,, abt drinks,, then ice cream then say abt ppl hahas!
:DDDDD * content of the gossiping shall be confidential*
then we keep on chatting then cher and nerissa is sooooo CUTE :D!!!!!
hahas! and xueqi was soo dangerous :P
hahas~~ then me, shiyang and xue qi walked to jelapang LRT :D
then we chatted abt some erm,, polluted stuffs.. LOL cencored! :D
hahas! then go into LRT,,
then i was like standing,, facing the dorr that dont open one.. then shiyang and xueqi is facing me..
then shiyang suddenly say dont turn your face hor!!
then i was like why? * turn*
i saw!!! AHEM!
the bp guys LOL
sorry to say but not hao han, no hardi, no zhiwei..LOL
then which only left kah wei and kent liao mah! LOL which is soo obvious :D
LOL i say ahem coz you know ahem, LOL
shiyang is there..ahem!
their relationship is!!!
GOOD FRIENDS? o.o idk leh... o.o
ok continue..
then saw kent first the kah wei is blocked by a guy..o.o
then shiyang pull my head back liao..i only managed to say hi to kent in the end
kah wei shy shy~~
i forgot he learn wushu LOL
* no offence*!! :D
then shiyang was like damn hyper
coz xueqi was like what?who? where? LOL
then i was like explaining to xueqi
then shiyang keep on pinch me TT_TT
then the whole journey i dont dare turn face..
later shiyang pinch me harder..
then we walked home lor,, after alighting the LRT
hahas thats abt the end..OH YEAH
shiyang paiseh nia ><
the specs..TT_TT
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
F&N test
today,, i got back my...
F&N test!
i passed!
got erm,, 30/40 ><
i lost 5marks due to the food pyramid..-.-
stupid man,,
then another five is random qns LOL
so its like
so cham ><
nvm,, got pass PHEW
:D thats abt all :D
today,, i got back my...
F&N test!
i passed!
got erm,, 30/40 ><
i lost 5marks due to the food pyramid..-.-
stupid man,,
then another five is random qns LOL
so its like
so cham ><
nvm,, got pass PHEW
:D thats abt all :D
Sunday, July 27, 2008
sianned! today do art..
it all started with my da jie..
she like walk past me
then i was painting the leaves..
then i ask: good??
then she say: WOW! not bad for a cucumber! look alike leh!
then me: * speech less* THIS IS A LEAVE LAR!
then my dad come in also..
then i ask : NICE?!?
dad: not bad for a mango..o.o
me: WTH! just now cucumber now mango!
dad: **innocent look**
me: flare up -.-
then i go paint apple..
then my da jie sit beside me mah,, so i ask: comments?
da jie: erm,, SLIGHTLY better than the "leave"
me: slightly hor...-.-
then i go out ask daddy: nice nice?!?
dad: WA! so red! like a pooisonous apple sia!
me: yeah for you to eat de :D
* storm off*
then i ask mummy: GOOD?!?!
mum: not bad...
then i skip happily..
then half way back to study room she continue..for a poisonous apple..
so discouraging one!
it all started with my da jie..
she like walk past me
then i was painting the leaves..
then i ask: good??
then she say: WOW! not bad for a cucumber! look alike leh!
then me: * speech less* THIS IS A LEAVE LAR!
then my dad come in also..
then i ask : NICE?!?
dad: not bad for a mango..o.o
me: WTH! just now cucumber now mango!
dad: **innocent look**
me: flare up -.-
then i go paint apple..
then my da jie sit beside me mah,, so i ask: comments?
da jie: erm,, SLIGHTLY better than the "leave"
me: slightly hor...-.-
then i go out ask daddy: nice nice?!?
dad: WA! so red! like a pooisonous apple sia!
me: yeah for you to eat de :D
* storm off*
then i ask mummy: GOOD?!?!
mum: not bad...
then i skip happily..
then half way back to study room she continue..for a poisonous apple..
so discouraging one!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
geog project
today very fun!
the chaotic scene
morning go guzheng,
then afternoon shiyang came my house to do the the the geog project\
then then i was like HighIng :D
hahas,,i like visitors that i know :D
coz i usually very bored de D:
hahas, then we like used 1hr plus plus to draw a simple simple cover
coz we draw
then erase
then draw then erase
hahas!!! then end up i say OKOK! Kuai dian wan (end) then jiu kuai dian wan ( play)
then we managed to finish drawing the cover
hahas,, then slack abit :P
hahas,, coz we are slackers :D
then around 4 liddat we give up
go play computer liao
then we decided to like do the rest another day :D
then end up playing games lor,,
ohh yah!!\
i changed my bloggie song :D
it is " three little birds"
find the lyrics very meaningful :DDD
go the lyrics below it read it if interested ;DD
Emo yang
Ai mei yang
Friday, July 25, 2008
OMGosh! so COLD!!!
just took a bath T_T
then i slike rainning? o.o WTH!!
damn cold
today is okok lar,,
mrs yip didn come sch so slacked a period LOL
then the science
is like dunno wad the teacher toking abt..TT_TT
Help needed :
pay : $0 LOL
sianned,,i am looking for blog skins,, but very fan leh,,
all is like those love love stuffs de -.-
* teeth chatter*
oh yeah! today chatted with yang at the void deck like,, erm, old ah mas LOL
random stuffs :D
ok, i need to find a decent blog skin, and choing my hmk by today
so tmr
can do the geog project
then sunday REST!
just took a bath T_T
then i slike rainning? o.o WTH!!
damn cold
today is okok lar,,
mrs yip didn come sch so slacked a period LOL
then the science
is like dunno wad the teacher toking abt..TT_TT
Help needed :
pay : $0 LOL
sianned,,i am looking for blog skins,, but very fan leh,,
all is like those love love stuffs de -.-
* teeth chatter*
oh yeah! today chatted with yang at the void deck like,, erm, old ah mas LOL
random stuffs :D
ok, i need to find a decent blog skin, and choing my hmk by today
so tmr
can do the geog project
then sunday REST!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
F&N test
today took the f&N test which sucks -.-
got one qns, they ask for the servings in the pyramid,,
then i happily wrote those title as in like meat and alternatives and all those,,
then liddat 5 marks FLY AWAY~
5 marks wor! out of like 35?
so i left 30
then i go the wad example thingy i also write wrong they ask for citrus
then i write apple and watermelon LOL
boh link nia!
wah siao lor! then they ask for berries,,
then i go write cherry and strawberry t hinking that that qns ia easyyy
then! after then test i go check,, the cherrites is STONED fruot -.-
then they still ask wad vitamin thingy
so in conclusion i shall faill iwth flying colours LOL
why am i soo proud of it?
maybe its my first subject that i failed LOL
i dunno why like very excited leh,,
i leanr my lesson in the hard way..LOL
hahas! so is like,, erm,, wait lor,,
for my paper,,
i shd start planning my will LOL
today took the f&N test which sucks -.-
got one qns, they ask for the servings in the pyramid,,
then i happily wrote those title as in like meat and alternatives and all those,,
then liddat 5 marks FLY AWAY~
5 marks wor! out of like 35?
so i left 30
then i go the wad example thingy i also write wrong they ask for citrus
then i write apple and watermelon LOL
boh link nia!
wah siao lor! then they ask for berries,,
then i go write cherry and strawberry t hinking that that qns ia easyyy
then! after then test i go check,, the cherrites is STONED fruot -.-
then they still ask wad vitamin thingy
so in conclusion i shall faill iwth flying colours LOL
why am i soo proud of it?
maybe its my first subject that i failed LOL
i dunno why like very excited leh,,
i leanr my lesson in the hard way..LOL
hahas! so is like,, erm,, wait lor,,
for my paper,,
i shd start planning my will LOL
Thursday, July 17, 2008
drum stick
harlo! hahas!
during english lesson i was like being called by mrs yip to go to her desk
she was like marking the review..
i was like OH DEAD!
then yang was like giving me those
good luck look
i tot i am gonna die sooo young LOL
then when i go there
she was like you are Zhen yun?
i was like if not you think i want to come here meh?
then shay say those wad ohh,,your work is gd blah blah
i was like SHOCKED
hahas! seriously didn expect that ok?!?
then she added i tot you are they BOY
i was like which BOY?!
then i like just walk away lor
then i go back i was thinking
i am NOT a BOY
i am a GUY :D
GUY is more manly hahas~~
nvm i think yang will be like yea yea -.-
then at the end of sch GUZHENG -ED!!
i used the lift
coz i use the embrassing trolley to transport the guzhengs LOL~~
nvm can use trolley is a heaven
then after guzheng i go plaza to find out the author's name but cant be found while my mummy go buy dinner
then go back home,, my dad go bath,,mummy go toilet
then i go choose the meal with the BIGGEST drumstick
then i was like in order to see like more clearly i ate one fish nugget or sth liddat
then i even make the efoort to put it at another table
then my dad come out of bathing then i run to study room to put stuffs lar
then i come out,,
then i saw dad eating
then i got bad feeling so i go check my meal
then i saw two fish nuggets inside!!!
rmb? i just ate one so shd left one..-.-
which means my big drumstick meal is with daddy!
then i turn around
then saw daddy already eating the drumstick liao
then i was like WA!!! MY MEAL!! MY SET!
then dad was like all the same de mah
then mummy know abt i choosing drumstick mah coz i choose very very long nia
then she was like laughing like hell while saying word by word to daddy
then dad was like laughing then i give you mine now?
eeks!! then mummy say its fate TT_TT
thats how my big drumstick fly away TT_TT!!
during english lesson i was like being called by mrs yip to go to her desk
she was like marking the review..
i was like OH DEAD!
then yang was like giving me those
good luck look
i tot i am gonna die sooo young LOL
then when i go there
she was like you are Zhen yun?
i was like if not you think i want to come here meh?
then shay say those wad ohh,,your work is gd blah blah
i was like SHOCKED
hahas! seriously didn expect that ok?!?
then she added i tot you are they BOY
i was like which BOY?!
then i like just walk away lor
then i go back i was thinking
i am NOT a BOY
i am a GUY :D
GUY is more manly hahas~~
nvm i think yang will be like yea yea -.-
then at the end of sch GUZHENG -ED!!
i used the lift
coz i use the embrassing trolley to transport the guzhengs LOL~~
nvm can use trolley is a heaven
then after guzheng i go plaza to find out the author's name but cant be found while my mummy go buy dinner
then go back home,, my dad go bath,,mummy go toilet
then i go choose the meal with the BIGGEST drumstick
then i was like in order to see like more clearly i ate one fish nugget or sth liddat
then i even make the efoort to put it at another table
then my dad come out of bathing then i run to study room to put stuffs lar
then i come out,,
then i saw dad eating
then i got bad feeling so i go check my meal
then i saw two fish nuggets inside!!!
rmb? i just ate one so shd left one..-.-
which means my big drumstick meal is with daddy!
then i turn around
then saw daddy already eating the drumstick liao
then i was like WA!!! MY MEAL!! MY SET!
then dad was like all the same de mah
then mummy know abt i choosing drumstick mah coz i choose very very long nia
then she was like laughing like hell while saying word by word to daddy
then dad was like laughing then i give you mine now?
eeks!! then mummy say its fate TT_TT
thats how my big drumstick fly away TT_TT!!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
haiz,, my shuttle run SUCKS -.-
maybe its just my character abit werid hor,, i dont like ppl to encourage me de,,
or like "pity" me =P
so zoey and shiyang i know you all meant well,, but then dont use the photo to threaten me
i think maybe i dont like it coz like you know,,
i dont pity myself or sth
so when ppl like encourage me hor,,
i will think how pathetic i am -,-
i am werid LOL~~
nvm,, thnx anws you all didn meant any harm :]]]
i am more enthu now LOL
learnt my lesson TT_TT
in a hard way
nvm a person who do not make any mistakes did not try anything new
thats wad i learn in the ACE period LOL~
STM leh,,not bad can rmb that phrase :D
i still got like maybe 1 week? to train for my "remidial"
so,, yea training damn hard =.-""
anws i like this phrase :
" our laughter, sorrow, makes up my tomorrow"
isnt it nice? ;DDDD
maybe its just my character abit werid hor,, i dont like ppl to encourage me de,,
or like "pity" me =P
so zoey and shiyang i know you all meant well,, but then dont use the photo to threaten me
i think maybe i dont like it coz like you know,,
i dont pity myself or sth
so when ppl like encourage me hor,,
i will think how pathetic i am -,-
i am werid LOL~~
nvm,, thnx anws you all didn meant any harm :]]]
i am more enthu now LOL
learnt my lesson TT_TT
in a hard way
nvm a person who do not make any mistakes did not try anything new
thats wad i learn in the ACE period LOL~
STM leh,,not bad can rmb that phrase :D
i still got like maybe 1 week? to train for my "remidial"
so,, yea training damn hard =.-""
anws i like this phrase :
" our laughter, sorrow, makes up my tomorrow"
isnt it nice? ;DDDD
Monday, July 14, 2008
humanities quizzy
argh today got the humanities quizzyy
then 1A lost by 10 marks :(
its just a slip of hands :P
1A is being humble to take the second place hehes~~
but at least marvin, shao wei and nizam did their best lar,,
the quiz was honestly quite hard for some qns esp the literature thingy
i didn even know who the hell they saying abt
hahas~ but they got it right? i think so..
LALALA!! so i hope 1A peeps can support them ok?
try thinking that you are the one competing,, and lost
you will be very very sad liao
still need to take the negative remarks,,
very kelian de leh,,
hahas~~ so just jiayou and dont let 1B win the next time -.-
oh ya today is 14 july,,
kiwi's birthday,,( yang remind me de)
happy birthday to you!
you are born in the farm!
you look like a kiwi and
you stink like one too :D
to those kiwi lovers i have no offence :D
just you know,, that particular one stink and cause every other to stink too ;]]]
then 1A lost by 10 marks :(
its just a slip of hands :P
1A is being humble to take the second place hehes~~
but at least marvin, shao wei and nizam did their best lar,,
the quiz was honestly quite hard for some qns esp the literature thingy
i didn even know who the hell they saying abt
hahas~ but they got it right? i think so..
LALALA!! so i hope 1A peeps can support them ok?
try thinking that you are the one competing,, and lost
you will be very very sad liao
still need to take the negative remarks,,
very kelian de leh,,
hahas~~ so just jiayou and dont let 1B win the next time -.-
oh ya today is 14 july,,
kiwi's birthday,,( yang remind me de)
happy birthday to you!
you are born in the farm!
you look like a kiwi and
you stink like one too :D
to those kiwi lovers i have no offence :D
just you know,, that particular one stink and cause every other to stink too ;]]]
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Open house
hahas! open house was FUN!!!
me, dap, shujun, jo decided to meet up at the hall at 3pm :D
since i have nth better to do
then saw them liao just walk around and ate ice cream~
then shiyang and zoey come liao
then we just walk around the sch to find mdm neo
then we have nth to do mah,,then just stopped outside a classroom
then i was like talking to shiyang at the corridoor
then i turn my face a little
then saw a womn looking here,,looked familiar
coz i nvr wear specs mah,,
then she walk closer
then i saw her smiling
then i found out is MDM NEO!
i do what a normal person will do,,
HIDE LAR! behind the pillar o ranywhere
then mdm neo walk here then smilme cheekily say ZHEN YUN! what are you hide from me~~~?
i was like AHHH!!!
then she saw dap! then say OMG!
DAphne! wad happen to you! you looked like you just Went to market!
then i am saved :D
then mdm neo saw shiyang,,
then she ask shiyang~~~ wheres kahwei?? ;))))))
then shiyang like shocked how she know?!?
then i was like OHH<< they coming later,, then i say yongli also~~ then look at zoey~~
then mdm neo get the hint then go ask zoey,,
ZOEY~~~ wheres yongli? :DDDD
then zoey was like the whole face red then say : IDK!! how i know?!
lol~~ soooo cute!! :D
then me and dap decided to go choir room,, to find my juniors,, then we when their they like break time..
then me and dap walked out
then we run down,,
then me, shiyang, dap, was like standing in a row..
then hwai mun was like running towards us,,
then daphne in the middle,, i at the right,,yang at the left
then hwai mun was like running towards dap de direction mah,,
then dap open her arms and walk over
then i was like AH!? CNNOT!! then i say hwai mun!!i want hug too!!
then hwai mun like reaching dap liao then suddenly turn then hug me first!
* long story ahead*
then me and hwai mun les-sy walk around :D
then go choir..hahas!
the conver!
the posts with the photos got say the conver
* laugh like mad*
then we like walk around then go find miss neo,, our chinese teacher
then she saw us then we like standing in a row,,
then she * point to daphne*
aiyo! hen xiang hen lei hor? ( translate: AIYO! you looked so tired)
then dap say : got meh?
miss neo: ni de yan jing hen xiang mi mi de! ( your eyes looked so tired?)
then dap open her eyes wide LOL~~
then she say: Daphne! ni hen xiang you qing chun dou le leh! ( you looked like you have pimples)
dap: ben lai jiu you de mah!( already got liao mah!)
then point to yang: Ni zheng jia liao leh!* yang nod* ( yours increased)
point to me: ni hai hao lar, ( yours still ok)
then point to zoey: ni de shao le leh! ( yours decreased!)
i am sad,,, " ni hai hao lar,," eeyeer~ wo bu hao man! -.-
nvm,, being lame LOL
then priscilla came,,
then we go walk around
then talked to mdm neo AGAIN
then me and hwai mun and shiling and dawn go pond
then we les-sy walk around
then me and hwai mun decided to buy ballons :D
hahas! miss neo saw us with the balloon then she say : AIYO! zhe yang da liao! hai yao ballon?
( aiyo! so old already still want balloon?)
me: wo men hai nian qing mah!( we are still young!)
then we go parade square,, then we took photos,, then while going back hwai mun de balloon FLY AWAY!
being a caring guy you know? i gave her mine :D
but we decided to let it go later when we walking home haha!
thats abt all lar,, o.0
me, dap, shujun, jo decided to meet up at the hall at 3pm :D
since i have nth better to do
then saw them liao just walk around and ate ice cream~
then shiyang and zoey come liao
then we just walk around the sch to find mdm neo
then we have nth to do mah,,then just stopped outside a classroom
then i was like talking to shiyang at the corridoor
then i turn my face a little
then saw a womn looking here,,looked familiar
coz i nvr wear specs mah,,
then she walk closer
then i saw her smiling
then i found out is MDM NEO!
i do what a normal person will do,,
HIDE LAR! behind the pillar o ranywhere
then mdm neo walk here then smilme cheekily say ZHEN YUN! what are you hide from me~~~?
i was like AHHH!!!
then she saw dap! then say OMG!
DAphne! wad happen to you! you looked like you just Went to market!
then i am saved :D
then mdm neo saw shiyang,,
then she ask shiyang~~~ wheres kahwei?? ;))))))
then shiyang like shocked how she know?!?
then i was like OHH<< they coming later,, then i say yongli also~~ then look at zoey~~
then mdm neo get the hint then go ask zoey,,
ZOEY~~~ wheres yongli? :DDDD
then zoey was like the whole face red then say : IDK!! how i know?!
lol~~ soooo cute!! :D
then me and dap decided to go choir room,, to find my juniors,, then we when their they like break time..
then me and dap walked out
then we run down,,
then me, shiyang, dap, was like standing in a row..
then hwai mun was like running towards us,,
then daphne in the middle,, i at the right,,yang at the left
then hwai mun was like running towards dap de direction mah,,
then dap open her arms and walk over
then i was like AH!? CNNOT!! then i say hwai mun!!i want hug too!!
then hwai mun like reaching dap liao then suddenly turn then hug me first!
* long story ahead*
then me and hwai mun les-sy walk around :D
then go choir..hahas!
the conver!
the posts with the photos got say the conver
* laugh like mad*
then we like walk around then go find miss neo,, our chinese teacher
then she saw us then we like standing in a row,,
then she * point to daphne*
aiyo! hen xiang hen lei hor? ( translate: AIYO! you looked so tired)
then dap say : got meh?
miss neo: ni de yan jing hen xiang mi mi de! ( your eyes looked so tired?)
then dap open her eyes wide LOL~~
then she say: Daphne! ni hen xiang you qing chun dou le leh! ( you looked like you have pimples)
dap: ben lai jiu you de mah!( already got liao mah!)
then point to yang: Ni zheng jia liao leh!* yang nod* ( yours increased)
point to me: ni hai hao lar, ( yours still ok)
then point to zoey: ni de shao le leh! ( yours decreased!)
i am sad,,, " ni hai hao lar,," eeyeer~ wo bu hao man! -.-
nvm,, being lame LOL
then priscilla came,,
then we go walk around
then talked to mdm neo AGAIN
then me and hwai mun and shiling and dawn go pond
then we les-sy walk around
then me and hwai mun decided to buy ballons :D
hahas! miss neo saw us with the balloon then she say : AIYO! zhe yang da liao! hai yao ballon?
( aiyo! so old already still want balloon?)
me: wo men hai nian qing mah!( we are still young!)
then we go parade square,, then we took photos,, then while going back hwai mun de balloon FLY AWAY!
being a caring guy you know? i gave her mine :D
but we decided to let it go later when we walking home haha!
thats abt all lar,, o.0
Open house!
hahas!paiseh for the last post,, i shall let the picture do the talking :D
its not in order ;D

i shall start the post with this photo!

Voilin :D

Brass band~
where kahwei?
not here man!
ARGH! Shiyang! :P
* casual joke* >:D

Beloved choir! ;DDDD
Cutie juniors
*not saying you guys *:x

Interesting conver:
miss goh: Zhenyun! your senior and this is...* point at daphne*
You know who right?
Me: hi voldermort!
daphne : -.-" i am "you know who"

Choir performing hahas!
yashi,, you standing out ;D

where no guys are allowed!
omg i am getting lame

can find me?
obviously no way :D
if not whos taking the photos?

yuting and shiyang!!
(\/) * twist! * WORLD PEACE!
its not in order ;D
i shall start the post with this photo!
Voilin :D
Brass band~
where kahwei?
not here man!
ARGH! Shiyang! :P
* casual joke* >:D
Beloved choir! ;DDDD
Cutie juniors
*not saying you guys *:x
Interesting conver:
miss goh: Zhenyun! your senior and this is...* point at daphne*
You know who right?
Me: hi voldermort!
daphne : -.-" i am "you know who"
Choir performing hahas!
yashi,, you standing out ;D
where no guys are allowed!
omg i am getting lame
can find me?
obviously no way :D
if not whos taking the photos?
i guess this is the reason?
;D i am still young man!
( translate: beautiful leg?)
Rock a by baby on the tree top!
Rock a by baby on the tree top!
when the wind blows the baby will drop!
:D then the baby die neh? o.0
omg i look soo freaking erm,, -.-"
my hair is like messy? LOL~
nvm hwai mun is there ;D
yuting and shiyang!!
(\/) * twist! * WORLD PEACE!
see! hwai mun sooo close to me! MUWAHA!
daphne looked sianed hahas~~
Shiyang: JO! go rape zoey!
Jo: YES MDM! * hugs her tightly*
Zoey: HELP!
Me: hahas! * laughing like mad*
ZHPS! you rock! :D
6Loyalty! ;D
i shall end my photos with this one :D
all the chiobus surrounding me~
For those who wanna so called " steal" dont anyhow steal hor! please ask the ppl inside the photo first!
AND! pics of me or hwai mun are copyrighted :P
Friday, July 11, 2008
Cat's in the Cradle by Sandy & Harry Chapin
My child arrived just the other day,
He came to the world in the usual way.
But there were planes to catch, and bills to pay.
He learned to walk while I was away.
And he was talking 'fore I knew it, and as he grew,
He'd say, "I'm gonna be like you, dad.You know I'm gonna be like you."
And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon
,Little boy blue and the man in the moon."When you coming home, dad?"
"I don't know when,But we'll get together then.
You know we'll have a good time then."
My son turned ten just the other day.
He said, "Thanks for the ball, dad, come on let's play.Can you teach me to throw?"
I said, "Not today,I got a lot to do."
He said, "That's ok."
And he walked away, but his smile never dimmed,
Said, "I'm gonna be like him, yeah.
You know I'm gonna be like him."
And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon,
Little boy blue and the man in the moon.
"When you coming home, dad?"
"I don't know when,But we'll get together then.
You know we'll have a good time then."
Well, he came from college just the other day,
So much like a man I just had to say,"Son, I'm proud of you.
Can you sit for a while?"He shook his head,
and he said with a smile,"What I'd really like, dad, is to borrow the car keys.
See you later. Can I have them please?"
And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon,
Little boy blue and the man in the moon.
"When you coming home, son?"
"I don't know when,But we'll get together then, dad.
You know we'll have a good time then."
I've long since retired and my son's moved away.
I called him up just the other day.
I said, "I'd like to see you if you don't mind."He said,
"I'd love to, dad, if I could find the time.
You see, my new job's a hassle, and the kid's got the flu,
But it's sure nice talking to you, dad.
It's been sure nice talking to you."
And as I hung up the phone, it occurred to me,
He'd grown up just like me.
My boy was just like me.
And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon,
Little boy blue and the man in the moon.
"When you coming home, son?"
"I don't know when,But we'll get together then, dad.
You know we'll have a good time then."
My child arrived just the other day,
He came to the world in the usual way.
But there were planes to catch, and bills to pay.
He learned to walk while I was away.
And he was talking 'fore I knew it, and as he grew,
He'd say, "I'm gonna be like you, dad.You know I'm gonna be like you."
And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon
,Little boy blue and the man in the moon."When you coming home, dad?"
"I don't know when,But we'll get together then.
You know we'll have a good time then."
My son turned ten just the other day.
He said, "Thanks for the ball, dad, come on let's play.Can you teach me to throw?"
I said, "Not today,I got a lot to do."
He said, "That's ok."
And he walked away, but his smile never dimmed,
Said, "I'm gonna be like him, yeah.
You know I'm gonna be like him."
And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon,
Little boy blue and the man in the moon.
"When you coming home, dad?"
"I don't know when,But we'll get together then.
You know we'll have a good time then."
Well, he came from college just the other day,
So much like a man I just had to say,"Son, I'm proud of you.
Can you sit for a while?"He shook his head,
and he said with a smile,"What I'd really like, dad, is to borrow the car keys.
See you later. Can I have them please?"
And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon,
Little boy blue and the man in the moon.
"When you coming home, son?"
"I don't know when,But we'll get together then, dad.
You know we'll have a good time then."
I've long since retired and my son's moved away.
I called him up just the other day.
I said, "I'd like to see you if you don't mind."He said,
"I'd love to, dad, if I could find the time.
You see, my new job's a hassle, and the kid's got the flu,
But it's sure nice talking to you, dad.
It's been sure nice talking to you."
And as I hung up the phone, it occurred to me,
He'd grown up just like me.
My boy was just like me.
And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon,
Little boy blue and the man in the moon.
"When you coming home, son?"
"I don't know when,But we'll get together then, dad.
You know we'll have a good time then."
fun day
today is very fun!
let the next post de pictures do the talking..
so let this be a "emo" post
hahas, yeah,,today was fun,, i cant believe time flies,,
it began to start realising that 6L is no longer my class,,
i am no longer in zhps
my frens are drifting further and further from me
they are settling down,,,in their new sch..
idk why i start to believe what my dad says,
"Everyone is greedy, but it depends on how greedy are you."
it is like becoming,,well,, realistic?
well,, you can say that out of a rating of 10,, maybe my greediness is like 7-8?
hahas, indeed i AM greedy
i wish 6L will stay liddat forever and ever
i wish i can pass every test with flying colours
i wish everyone around me is happy and i am happy too
i wish everyone is healthy
i wish i am richer
i wish i am smarter
i wish this and that
and it will go on and on forever
idk why,,i suddenly dunno where i stand,,
as in like,, i was hoping i can stay with 6L AND my current class
i AM greedy aint i?
haiz, i wished time could stop..
let the next post de pictures do the talking..
so let this be a "emo" post
hahas, yeah,,today was fun,, i cant believe time flies,,
it began to start realising that 6L is no longer my class,,
i am no longer in zhps
my frens are drifting further and further from me
they are settling down,,,in their new sch..
idk why i start to believe what my dad says,
"Everyone is greedy, but it depends on how greedy are you."
it is like becoming,,well,, realistic?
well,, you can say that out of a rating of 10,, maybe my greediness is like 7-8?
hahas, indeed i AM greedy
i wish 6L will stay liddat forever and ever
i wish i can pass every test with flying colours
i wish everyone around me is happy and i am happy too
i wish everyone is healthy
i wish i am richer
i wish i am smarter
i wish this and that
and it will go on and on forever
idk why,,i suddenly dunno where i stand,,
as in like,, i was hoping i can stay with 6L AND my current class
i AM greedy aint i?
haiz, i wished time could stop..
fun day at school
today is a fun day at sch,,lols..more of a laughing day hahas!
during recess i stayed back mah,,then alicia them wu liao go play with marvin's bdae present they bought for him,,( a elmo)
then they throw around
then soon,, the class like alot of ppl liao
then they go out play
then the elmo drop in to the shallow drain at the corridoor there,,
then it become abit wet wet coz of the rain mah,,
then they continue playing
then stephine say if drop down then more fun
then i was like yea..
then the elmo seriously drop down sia!!!
so alicia from 4th floor run down to the first floor to take elmo
then alot of ppl look lor! LOL!!!
everyone is wondering whos elmo is that..lol!
HAHA!! then we go in
then the elmo reach yuting there
then she wanna throw back
then she use too much force,,
then hit the MOVING fan!!!
haha!!! then PIANK!KING PONG!
the elmo fly to the floor
then alicia do CPR for elmo1 lols! not the kissing one lar,,
rmb this elmo belongs to marvin lol
then later ppl the net ball or sth drop down from the hall also!!!
then they more poor thing,,
it goes into the pond LOL
hahas! looking forward to open house =D
during recess i stayed back mah,,then alicia them wu liao go play with marvin's bdae present they bought for him,,( a elmo)
then they throw around
then soon,, the class like alot of ppl liao
then they go out play
then the elmo drop in to the shallow drain at the corridoor there,,
then it become abit wet wet coz of the rain mah,,
then they continue playing
then stephine say if drop down then more fun
then i was like yea..
then the elmo seriously drop down sia!!!
so alicia from 4th floor run down to the first floor to take elmo
then alot of ppl look lor! LOL!!!
everyone is wondering whos elmo is that..lol!
HAHA!! then we go in
then the elmo reach yuting there
then she wanna throw back
then she use too much force,,
then hit the MOVING fan!!!
haha!!! then PIANK!KING PONG!
the elmo fly to the floor
then alicia do CPR for elmo1 lols! not the kissing one lar,,
rmb this elmo belongs to marvin lol
then later ppl the net ball or sth drop down from the hall also!!!
then they more poor thing,,
it goes into the pond LOL
hahas! looking forward to open house =D
Thursday, July 10, 2008
today is a special day =D
because,, tmr is 11 july!
my ex sch de open house =DD
finally got the chance to go back TT_TT
hahas,, missed my ex frens also =D
MUACKS! * goosebumbs* lol
also today assembly,, they invited a group,, made up of students and a teacher from new york =D
they are there to teach use a phrase,, " if you believe it, theres nth you cant do" or sth liddat
and everyday morning i am gonna say " i am happy and I AM ALIVE" LOL
they use hip hop to teach us then even teach us to do some dance lol
;D cool~
then i sit at the front of sth,, then got the chance to shake hands with the dancers =DDDD
* zihigh*
they are SUPER pro o.0!!!
the move like snake o.0
then they say after this they are gonna go australia, then alot of other places they name out..
they are actually using the summer vacation to do this o.0
and they can sing VERY VERY PRO OMG
* jealous* o.0
muacks!!! :D hope can see them again =D
woots! looking forward to tmr =D
tmr shall blog again lol =D
because,, tmr is 11 july!
my ex sch de open house =DD
finally got the chance to go back TT_TT
hahas,, missed my ex frens also =D
MUACKS! * goosebumbs* lol
also today assembly,, they invited a group,, made up of students and a teacher from new york =D
they are there to teach use a phrase,, " if you believe it, theres nth you cant do" or sth liddat
and everyday morning i am gonna say " i am happy and I AM ALIVE" LOL
they use hip hop to teach us then even teach us to do some dance lol
;D cool~
then i sit at the front of sth,, then got the chance to shake hands with the dancers =DDDD
* zihigh*
they are SUPER pro o.0!!!
the move like snake o.0
then they say after this they are gonna go australia, then alot of other places they name out..
they are actually using the summer vacation to do this o.0
and they can sing VERY VERY PRO OMG
* jealous* o.0
muacks!!! :D hope can see them again =D
woots! looking forward to tmr =D
tmr shall blog again lol =D
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
death note!
hahas~~ my jie bought the Disc or sth,,then got give us a key chain and rubix cube =DDD
IN THE DISC : a book or sth =D then behind is a disc =D
the photos are not in order =P
just like 6L =D
it says, "the People whose name is wriiten in it shall die " or sth liddat =D
L! =D
the back or the cover of the disc =D
IN THE DISC : a book or sth =D then behind is a disc =D
Friday, July 4, 2008
let me blog abt ytd...
i got to go and meet a student leader
to like arrange ourselves for wad value thingy award-.-
then nizam and shiteng and gina and some other ppl also got lar,,
initially i tot shd be according to the names,,
then i ZHUO mah then shd be last,,
can observe how to go up take award...
then suddenly the student leader say zhenyun here? then i rise hand lar,,
then she say
"you are the first" =.-
WTH! why i first?!? i goong diao lor,,then walk to the stairs..
eeks! then shiteng is second HAHA!
then she is like hugging/ lying on the wall saying WO BU YAO QU!! ( translate: i dont want to go up!)
then i was like you think i want meh?-.-
those ppl beside the stage all like looking at us as if we are aliens =.-""
then lucky be4 the value thingy got some other awards need to give then i can observe :D
then hor finally the award thingy liao mah,,
then they go dunno put wad video,,-.-!!!
i heard ppl at the back say got wad photo..-.-
then shiteng say sure got photo de lor!YOU SEE! they laugh until liddat!
then i go peek lar,, only got words leh?( coz photo at the side,,i cant see)
then siao lar,, we stand there then everyone like laugh liao look here then continue laughing -.-
i heard aneesha say they go put my primary sch de photo -.-
then go up take prize liao hor,, we still need to stand there to like pose -.-
then i was the first mah then the camera man very irritaing lor,,
keep on taking photos like he never see humans be4 -.-
then i was at the side mah then i ask shiteng,,
ehh they got space anot?
ST: got bahs,,
ME: ehh!! i slowly act act like i wanna move to the side to give space then i disappear behind the curtain!
ME: aiya! two more steps!
then a boy go stand beside me -.- then i stop moving liao
then today when i walking down the stairs then got those TVs around mah,, then i jump down the last step then brendan shout
i almost slipped lor -.-
SIAO LAR!! TVs every where sia!
no wonder ytd i go guzheng the senior was like OHH!! NA GE SHANG QU NA JIANG DE! ( translate: OHH! the one who went up the stage to take the award!)
i was like WTH ><
anws i wanna change blogskin soon,, any comments?
let me blog abt ytd...
i got to go and meet a student leader
to like arrange ourselves for wad value thingy award-.-
then nizam and shiteng and gina and some other ppl also got lar,,
initially i tot shd be according to the names,,
then i ZHUO mah then shd be last,,
can observe how to go up take award...
then suddenly the student leader say zhenyun here? then i rise hand lar,,
then she say
"you are the first" =.-
WTH! why i first?!? i goong diao lor,,then walk to the stairs..
eeks! then shiteng is second HAHA!
then she is like hugging/ lying on the wall saying WO BU YAO QU!! ( translate: i dont want to go up!)
then i was like you think i want meh?-.-
those ppl beside the stage all like looking at us as if we are aliens =.-""
then lucky be4 the value thingy got some other awards need to give then i can observe :D
then hor finally the award thingy liao mah,,
then they go dunno put wad video,,-.-!!!
i heard ppl at the back say got wad photo..-.-
then shiteng say sure got photo de lor!YOU SEE! they laugh until liddat!
then i go peek lar,, only got words leh?( coz photo at the side,,i cant see)
then siao lar,, we stand there then everyone like laugh liao look here then continue laughing -.-
i heard aneesha say they go put my primary sch de photo -.-
then go up take prize liao hor,, we still need to stand there to like pose -.-
then i was the first mah then the camera man very irritaing lor,,
keep on taking photos like he never see humans be4 -.-
then i was at the side mah then i ask shiteng,,
ehh they got space anot?
ST: got bahs,,
ME: ehh!! i slowly act act like i wanna move to the side to give space then i disappear behind the curtain!
ME: aiya! two more steps!
then a boy go stand beside me -.- then i stop moving liao
then today when i walking down the stairs then got those TVs around mah,, then i jump down the last step then brendan shout
i almost slipped lor -.-
SIAO LAR!! TVs every where sia!
no wonder ytd i go guzheng the senior was like OHH!! NA GE SHANG QU NA JIANG DE! ( translate: OHH! the one who went up the stage to take the award!)
i was like WTH ><
anws i wanna change blogskin soon,, any comments?
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Magnetic to the FAKE balls
today go sch have lessons. =.-
wth am i tokin?!
oh,,i think i got magnetic force that attract TOY balls -.-
the 1st attempt is when i am sitting then reading nerissa's wallet,,
then a volley ball bounce pass me.. o.0?
then missed lar xP i reacted like a normal human but not fast enough to catch it..LOL
then next is,, netball.. slam on my ankle,, got a light bruise..but dont worry :D
i am still alive..:D
no casper typing here ;P
then that time when i was kena hit by the netball,,
i was like reading nerissa's wallet AGAIN -.- so i think i better stop reading
then i just sit there,, looking out for anything that is coming towards me..o.0
then i kicked a soccer ball away from me which is coming in my direction also..
then i was like thinking wa~~ good thing i can see the netballs,
soccer balls
infront of me then i can dodge it
then after i said that a netball hit my back -.-
then dunno who was like OMG I DIDN KNOW!
you didn know i there ar? i so da zi can? =.-""
no offence just you know,, irritated liao
but wad a lucky day =.-"
priscilla lee also kena hit by the netball,,
at the cheek bone there..hope she is better :D
today go sch have lessons. =.-
wth am i tokin?!
oh,,i think i got magnetic force that attract TOY balls -.-
the 1st attempt is when i am sitting then reading nerissa's wallet,,
then a volley ball bounce pass me.. o.0?
then missed lar xP i reacted like a normal human but not fast enough to catch it..LOL
then next is,, netball.. slam on my ankle,, got a light bruise..but dont worry :D
i am still alive..:D
no casper typing here ;P
then that time when i was kena hit by the netball,,
i was like reading nerissa's wallet AGAIN -.- so i think i better stop reading
then i just sit there,, looking out for anything that is coming towards me..o.0
then i kicked a soccer ball away from me which is coming in my direction also..
then i was like thinking wa~~ good thing i can see the netballs,
soccer balls
infront of me then i can dodge it
then after i said that a netball hit my back -.-
then dunno who was like OMG I DIDN KNOW!
you didn know i there ar? i so da zi can? =.-""
no offence just you know,, irritated liao
but wad a lucky day =.-"
priscilla lee also kena hit by the netball,,
at the cheek bone there..hope she is better :D
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
new computer
HAHAS! COOL! finally can blog hahas!
new computer finally can use lers! YEA!
^^!! * zi high* lol
aiya! i go "explore" the new com lerz xDD
photos will be updated at later dates =D
look forward to it =]]]]]
new computer finally can use lers! YEA!
^^!! * zi high* lol
aiya! i go "explore" the new com lerz xDD
photos will be updated at later dates =D
look forward to it =]]]]]
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