1st) i am BAD at MATHS.
2nd) I didn volunteer, for it.
3rd) we are competing with the sec2s.
4th) I DIDN STUDY FOR IT AT ALL! -.......-(sorry for that..)
thats why..
i only do 17qns out of 50 o.O
i shall flunk it..=)
gd luck to my frens who have to go to the scary QUIZ o.O
it didn even looked like a QUIZ o.o
though its optional,,but will deduct marks if wrong then add when correct..
and the qns is ALOT ALOT ALOT ALOT more difficult than PSLE o.O
Friday, March 28, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
secret out~
ok, my dear is
a nice nice braclet from her with my name on it,,=Dbut if wear it looks like i am in hospital with those name tags =.=but still <3 it =")">
another braclet from her, i like this better =D
me wearing the second braclet =D
my jie lai de lar =.=
she is back! from cambodia =D
let me show you the gifts =D
my'hospital' tag =D on my hand =) not bad huh?
but i dont like the colour..=.= blue and black is better =D
me wearing the second braclet =D
recorder from her~ wooden de wor~ very nice~~~!!!!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
erm? i dunno leh..
today is a normal day, a special day for madeline and i almost forgot =.=
happy birthday to you ,
happy birthday to you~
happy birthday to madeline~~
happy birthday to mummy~!
( she is my mama too..go check out abouut my family tree in wsss at the last section^^)
then it is also the most unlucky day of my life o.O
coz i am like unluckily choosen to go and participate in a maths quiz... =O
i know my 6L pals will be shocked =D coz i am very s2p at maths in my p5 - p6 =(
and why in the world i am choosen is becozz
my head was resting on my shoulder, i was just about to go into a slumber,
but suddenly, the shocking news arrive
i looked lazily at miss yu and expect her to finish picking ppl for the 'games'
then she suddenly turn around and say ZHENYUN! you are down to the maths quiz!
i was like HUH~~~~?!? ( a long one coz i am sleepy)
then i wanted to like debate for my rights.
then she suddenly say
OK! lets change the topic! =.=!!!!
i dont wanna go man! =((( but i know i will be looking at her and like kena )(*@#@(@#^ by her for dunno how many hours..HAIZ
happy birthday to you ,
happy birthday to you~
happy birthday to madeline~~
happy birthday to mummy~!
( she is my mama too..go check out abouut my family tree in wsss at the last section^^)
then it is also the most unlucky day of my life o.O
coz i am like unluckily choosen to go and participate in a maths quiz... =O
i know my 6L pals will be shocked =D coz i am very s2p at maths in my p5 - p6 =(
and why in the world i am choosen is becozz
my head was resting on my shoulder, i was just about to go into a slumber,
but suddenly, the shocking news arrive
i looked lazily at miss yu and expect her to finish picking ppl for the 'games'
then she suddenly turn around and say ZHENYUN! you are down to the maths quiz!
i was like HUH~~~~?!? ( a long one coz i am sleepy)
then i wanted to like debate for my rights.
then she suddenly say
OK! lets change the topic! =.=!!!!
i dont wanna go man! =((( but i know i will be looking at her and like kena )(*@#@(@#^ by her for dunno how many hours..HAIZ
Sunday, March 16, 2008
What Zhuo Zhen Yun Means |
You are incredibly wise and perceptive. You have a lot of life experience. You are a natural peacemaker, and you are especially good at helping others get along. But keeping the peace in your own life is not easy. You see things very differently, and it's hard to get you to budge. You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out. Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia. Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person. You are a very lucky person. Things just always seem to go your way. And because you're so lucky, you don't really have a lot of worries. You just hope for the best in life. You're sometimes a little guilty of being greedy. Spread your luck around a little to people who need it. You are well rounded, with a complete perspective on life. You are solid and dependable. You are loyal, and people can count on you. At times, you can be a bit too serious. You tend to put too much pressure on yourself. You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone. You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together. At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together. You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people. You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts. You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals. You are a free spirit, and you resent anyone who tries to fence you in. You are unpredictable, adventurous, and always a little surprising. You may miss out by not settling down, but you're too busy having fun to care. |
Saturday, March 15, 2008
ok,,i am now all stressed up.. over my project: english project- ah ma one.
seriously! its so unlucky that our class got 42 ppl and the teacher wans nicely 4 in a grp?!?
then i am the unlucky fifth..
haix so unlucky!!!
me,shiyang,yuing,zoey and priscilla is in a grp.
shiyang is section a ,yuting is section b ,priscilla is section c , zoey is section d.
theres no more section for me to pick, so i volunteer to like do the powerpoint,photos and script.
its very irriating..
1) as a person who is writing script and powerpoint, i DID ask them to tell me when they want to change it. Ya, so its like one suddenly called me while i am eating.
she says she wans to change the script on her own..i was like o.o?
then i was just so irriated that i almost scolded: You can anyhow change the scrip as you like! the script and powerpoint MUST tele!
then she went: really? i dont know leh
then i say ya, so anw wad you wan to change it to? then she said her idea.( but think of it is somehow cute of her.)
then she broke a shocking news to me: Zhenyun, i heard the class say one grp MUST only have 4! we got 5! and it is judged by the section!
me,,in my heart: ok i shall meet my doom. i dont have a single section!!
okays,, so its like i feel so stresS!!!
then lost my wei kou..
almost didn eat my dinner.
went to the laptop to choing,,
i must agree that people working with me are so nice!!
i am bad tempered,,bossy,,proud?,,arrogant?,,easily irriated and not co-operative. To me lar, i dont know? some from my frens de comment..some from me.. but i must say if in this project, i offended you, pls pls, understand me, i am just somehow childish that can act like a children who tries to think like a adult.(from my view) ,, i appreciate your hard work, your co-operative-ness, your understanding, your silence, your comments, your ideas and many more! * cant list down*
I sincerely apologise if my selfish-ness or sth else offended you. All of you are my great class mates =) But when i comes to project i tends to become more bossy and stuff.. SO THANK YOU FOR YOUR HARD WORK AND UNDERSTANDING! I LOVE YOU GIRLS!
seriously! its so unlucky that our class got 42 ppl and the teacher wans nicely 4 in a grp?!?
then i am the unlucky fifth..
haix so unlucky!!!
me,shiyang,yuing,zoey and priscilla is in a grp.
shiyang is section a ,yuting is section b ,priscilla is section c , zoey is section d.
theres no more section for me to pick, so i volunteer to like do the powerpoint,photos and script.
its very irriating..
1) as a person who is writing script and powerpoint, i DID ask them to tell me when they want to change it. Ya, so its like one suddenly called me while i am eating.
she says she wans to change the script on her own..i was like o.o?
then i was just so irriated that i almost scolded: You can anyhow change the scrip as you like! the script and powerpoint MUST tele!
then she went: really? i dont know leh
then i say ya, so anw wad you wan to change it to? then she said her idea.( but think of it is somehow cute of her.)
then she broke a shocking news to me: Zhenyun, i heard the class say one grp MUST only have 4! we got 5! and it is judged by the section!
me,,in my heart: ok i shall meet my doom. i dont have a single section!!
okays,, so its like i feel so stresS!!!
then lost my wei kou..
almost didn eat my dinner.
went to the laptop to choing,,
i must agree that people working with me are so nice!!
i am bad tempered,,bossy,,proud?,,arrogant?,,easily irriated and not co-operative. To me lar, i dont know? some from my frens de comment..some from me.. but i must say if in this project, i offended you, pls pls, understand me, i am just somehow childish that can act like a children who tries to think like a adult.(from my view) ,, i appreciate your hard work, your co-operative-ness, your understanding, your silence, your comments, your ideas and many more! * cant list down*
I sincerely apologise if my selfish-ness or sth else offended you. All of you are my great class mates =) But when i comes to project i tends to become more bossy and stuff.. SO THANK YOU FOR YOUR HARD WORK AND UNDERSTANDING! I LOVE YOU GIRLS!
Monday, March 10, 2008
lot 1 trip~~ =D
** 6Loyalty ROCKS and no one can be better than my 6L,,6L is like,,part of my life,,and i misses them lots,,**
ok!! to day went for a LOT1 trip to er,,watch movie but main purpose is to like see my frens,,=DD
and be4 going to lot 1 i went to BPP to borrow books for a CL book review..then saw vivian,cher(papa),jiaqi who mistook me as zoey,aneesha,nerissa(meifu),madeline(mama).
then borrowed books and LRT-ED to LOT 1.
erm,,then eat at food junction and met sherye and kah wei there,,kah ei very poor thing,,coz he is the only boi,,so he is like sit at one emo corner and do hmk..lolS.
then after eating,,went to the cinema and bought tickets and also erm,,obvoiusly went arcade =DDD
i got TWO SHIT!!! lols as in TOY shit =DDD love it!! so cute~~i will try to post a pic of it,,but currently no camera,,you see,,it went travelling with my sis,,to cambodia..=DD hope she will be fine,,=DD
erm oh ya! xinni gave me a piglet~~ =DDD thnx alot!
then after playing at the arcade we went to the movie~ watched THE EYE
not very scary,,but more of like,,shocking =PP
as the pranky and creative 6L,,we obviously gave shiyang and kah wei SOME freedom =DD
we let them sit in a row together,,=DDD and we sit behind to SUPERVISE =PP xD
but not action you see,,and we kept throwing popcorns at kah wei the only poor boy,,lols
then dap go and throw alot and shout EHEH KAH WEI XING DONG XING DONG!(action action!)then xinni(her 'laopo') say DONT WASTE FOOD LAR! AIYO LOLS!!! i was like sitting beside the 'couple' and was laughing my head off~~ LOLS!!
then we are like watching the dap(xinni de 'laogong') kept like making sound effects and doing funny stuff like toking to the tiger(xinni give de) then throwing it around LOLS! she is like more entertaining than the movie can? LOLS~
then erm,,watched the show and AND supervise kah wei and shiyang,,LOLS
then from a relieable person,,i found out that they are actually smsing each other wor~ i didn know man! argh! didn catch them red-handed =PP
but i am EVIL~ i ask mun to put the legs at the chair beside shiyang so that she got no choice but to like lean to kah wei's side but it didn work..=.="" I AM SUCH A FAILURE! D=
then continue watch lar,,the thick skinned (me) wore a jacket! lols you all dont get the joke,,thick skin mah,,shd not wear jacket,,LOLS my lame crap =DD
then it is like very cold for my leg to stand it so i squad and cover my leg too LOLS (following wad munny's doing)
then sth happened!! xinni is like trying to like make herself comfortable then dap go bang on the popcorn placed beside her!! LOLS! then all the pop corns go in to xinni's pocket and flooded it LOLS!!
then xinni was like grumbling like hell abt the popcorns and dap offer to help to 'digg out' LOLS
then xinni was like DONT LES LAR! SO ER XING! hahas!!! it is supposed to be a SCARY movie but i am like laughing alll the way~~ HAHA!!!
so funny~~
then after movie we shopped around while kah wei go back home liao
and went to arcade AGAIN =DD
then went home lors with shiyang,,coz she dunno how to go out,,and back,,a blur girl you see,,=P
P.S. i seriously like that shit toy..LOLS SO CUTE!!!
p.S.S i wanna thnx the tian for letting me go into 6L,,such a wonderful class..=DD
ok!! to day went for a LOT1 trip to er,,watch movie but main purpose is to like see my frens,,=DD
and be4 going to lot 1 i went to BPP to borrow books for a CL book review..then saw vivian,cher(papa),jiaqi who mistook me as zoey,aneesha,nerissa(meifu),madeline(mama).
then borrowed books and LRT-ED to LOT 1.
erm,,then eat at food junction and met sherye and kah wei there,,kah ei very poor thing,,coz he is the only boi,,so he is like sit at one emo corner and do hmk..lolS.
then after eating,,went to the cinema and bought tickets and also erm,,obvoiusly went arcade =DDD
i got TWO SHIT!!! lols as in TOY shit =DDD love it!! so cute~~i will try to post a pic of it,,but currently no camera,,you see,,it went travelling with my sis,,to cambodia..=DD hope she will be fine,,=DD
erm oh ya! xinni gave me a piglet~~ =DDD thnx alot!
then after playing at the arcade we went to the movie~ watched THE EYE
not very scary,,but more of like,,shocking =PP
as the pranky and creative 6L,,we obviously gave shiyang and kah wei SOME freedom =DD
we let them sit in a row together,,=DDD and we sit behind to SUPERVISE =PP xD
but not action you see,,and we kept throwing popcorns at kah wei the only poor boy,,lols
then dap go and throw alot and shout EHEH KAH WEI XING DONG XING DONG!(action action!)then xinni(her 'laopo') say DONT WASTE FOOD LAR! AIYO LOLS!!! i was like sitting beside the 'couple' and was laughing my head off~~ LOLS!!
then we are like watching the dap(xinni de 'laogong') kept like making sound effects and doing funny stuff like toking to the tiger(xinni give de) then throwing it around LOLS! she is like more entertaining than the movie can? LOLS~
then erm,,watched the show and AND supervise kah wei and shiyang,,LOLS
then from a relieable person,,i found out that they are actually smsing each other wor~ i didn know man! argh! didn catch them red-handed =PP
but i am EVIL~ i ask mun to put the legs at the chair beside shiyang so that she got no choice but to like lean to kah wei's side but it didn work..=.="" I AM SUCH A FAILURE! D=
then continue watch lar,,the thick skinned (me) wore a jacket! lols you all dont get the joke,,thick skin mah,,shd not wear jacket,,LOLS my lame crap =DD
then it is like very cold for my leg to stand it so i squad and cover my leg too LOLS (following wad munny's doing)
then sth happened!! xinni is like trying to like make herself comfortable then dap go bang on the popcorn placed beside her!! LOLS! then all the pop corns go in to xinni's pocket and flooded it LOLS!!
then xinni was like grumbling like hell abt the popcorns and dap offer to help to 'digg out' LOLS
then xinni was like DONT LES LAR! SO ER XING! hahas!!! it is supposed to be a SCARY movie but i am like laughing alll the way~~ HAHA!!!
so funny~~
then after movie we shopped around while kah wei go back home liao
and went to arcade AGAIN =DD
then went home lors with shiyang,,coz she dunno how to go out,,and back,,a blur girl you see,,=P
P.S. i seriously like that shit toy..LOLS SO CUTE!!!
p.S.S i wanna thnx the tian for letting me go into 6L,,such a wonderful class..=DD
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Leadership Camp~~
i am very high for many reasons,,
3) 6Loyalty ROCKS!
i set two alarm,,one 5am,one 5.30am. BOTH FAILED! AhHa~ this shows that i am a PIG
^(oo)^< oink! XD! then HOW i wake up? obviously i am beaten up by my sister who sleeps beside me and have been woke up by the alarmS =P~
then went to meet dap at 6.15am.walk-ED to ZHPS~ and saw erm,,shiling,jo,amira,joey sitting at Gate 1,,trying to get in..then wynnette came to RESCUE~ =) then got into the sch..
then like,,high for awhile with frens then went to grp ourselves lor..
we got lots of ppl saying they can go then suddenly hor,,like got monster there like that wor,,all missing liao
then re-grp,,then finally settled..
then me and dap went to be game masters lor..
then like alot of grp come lar,,all very cute~~
then LUNCH!!(not bad..nice,,got food is nice liao..)
then after that hor! very funny de lor! dap bought mentons(dunno spelling lar)
then she gave it to zhi wei them(the rest lar) then i say i wan some,,then she go back to take,,then i turn around hor,,saw her running back quickly lor,,then i tot wow! she is so hardworking! then i saw sth lse,,no mentons on her hands,then her face is red then she is very very like malu like that..
then i ask wad happen..wheres my mentons?
then for no reason i was like laughing like mad lar!maybe co zher face like very funny..LOLS
then went back and saw salihin and a guy called adri or wad lar,,then we shout them gay..LOLS coz they always tgt mah..then they shout us lesbians..LOLS
then me and dap went to the field and walk-ED eight rounds..seeing salihin and that guy 'dating'(coz they are like sitting on the gras slope near the basketball court and toking lar..then dap keep shout SALIHIN! GAYING HUH? LOLS
then we patroled for mas selemat. LOLS jking~
then we go like prepare for water bombs which like,,endless de lor..
when munny came hor,,bigg diff..
kent and kah wei jiu lai help us liao lor..then alot of ppl come to watch of ppl come to 'help'
then soon WATER BOMB!
then i was like saboed by MUNNY!
wad the heck!
i was like standing there,,in a corner,,then mun beside me mah..then i suddenly hear mun say oh my god,,then i was like pushed infront lor,,then she behind me..then i kena hit by kent's bomb..=.=""
then like mdm Tang like suddenly say: why this ppl NOT wet?!? then point to us..then armies came to attack us with water bombs lor..LOLS then i ran half of the field..and still kena wet..
then hor i tot finish liao lor,,then saw hardi kena wet-TED by juniors..then hor,,suddenly like all stopped,,then all look at me,mun,dap de direction lor,,
then i run..
then all chased..AHHH!!!
then i was like tot they only chasing munny,,then i stopped then i was like AHHH then like kena hit by them lor..
then i was like wet..VERY WET
then went to make butt prints on the wooden table..LOLS
and,,"urinate" out our water from clothes~ munny so funni lor~
then that ends the water game..
then erm..
next is
then we go for cheers then i was no faciliator mah..then go one side play lor,,with munny and dap..
then i do like jumping lar..then like hold the pole..then munny cant reach it..then kah wei rite,,who is shorter,,go and jump then reached and hold on to it lor!*claps*
then munny was like sitting on the like rings or sth lar,,at the side of the hall one,,
then she shout:" I BELIEVE I CAN FLY!" then jump down! LOLS!!! obviously she failed to fly.HAHA~ then i was AGAIN laughing like a mad person while hugging to a pole lor..LOLS
then i was like very malu nia,,
coz later shiling come mah,,
then i wan to like say rmb last time yong li do pole dance?
then i go like hug the pole then like turn lar,,for awhile,,short while,,
then a guy from the NJC like infront lor..
then he looked abit shocked to me LOLS!
shd be scared to see a ugly girl dancing 'pole dance' later nightmare~ lols!
then wad parent game lor..then jiu say bye bye other frens
then toked to munny and dap and did lots of funny stuff on the way shouting ZHENGHUA WE LOVE YOU FOREVER at the sch.. -,,,-! LOLS!!and also we went to the fitness corner and wished
hope that it will come true..=)))
and we saw a angel cloud(found by me!!!) then took a photo of it..=D very nice to look at clouds at times,,but BETTER with frens~ =)))
6LOYALTY! YOU ROCKS! YOU RULES! YOU ARE THE BEST FOREVER,EVER AND EVER! i wished there will be one day,,where 6L meet up AS A WHOLE CLASS,,even those like hao han,kenneth,wanqi,xinyi etc,,will be there,,and everyone having a GREAT time tgt..hope our wishes can be hear..and answered~
~~end~~ =)
i am very high for many reasons,,
3) 6Loyalty ROCKS!
i set two alarm,,one 5am,one 5.30am. BOTH FAILED! AhHa~ this shows that i am a PIG
^(oo)^< oink! XD! then HOW i wake up? obviously i am beaten up by my sister who sleeps beside me and have been woke up by the alarmS =P~
then went to meet dap at 6.15am.walk-ED to ZHPS~ and saw erm,,shiling,jo,amira,joey sitting at Gate 1,,trying to get in..then wynnette came to RESCUE~ =) then got into the sch..
then like,,high for awhile with frens then went to grp ourselves lor..
we got lots of ppl saying they can go then suddenly hor,,like got monster there like that wor,,all missing liao
then re-grp,,then finally settled..
then me and dap went to be game masters lor..
then like alot of grp come lar,,all very cute~~
then LUNCH!!(not bad..nice,,got food is nice liao..)
then after that hor! very funny de lor! dap bought mentons(dunno spelling lar)
then she gave it to zhi wei them(the rest lar) then i say i wan some,,then she go back to take,,then i turn around hor,,saw her running back quickly lor,,then i tot wow! she is so hardworking! then i saw sth lse,,no mentons on her hands,then her face is red then she is very very like malu like that..
then i ask wad happen..wheres my mentons?
then for no reason i was like laughing like mad lar!maybe co zher face like very funny..LOLS
then went back and saw salihin and a guy called adri or wad lar,,then we shout them gay..LOLS coz they always tgt mah..then they shout us lesbians..LOLS
then me and dap went to the field and walk-ED eight rounds..seeing salihin and that guy 'dating'(coz they are like sitting on the gras slope near the basketball court and toking lar..then dap keep shout SALIHIN! GAYING HUH? LOLS
then we patroled for mas selemat. LOLS jking~
then we go like prepare for water bombs which like,,endless de lor..
when munny came hor,,bigg diff..
kent and kah wei jiu lai help us liao lor..then alot of ppl come to watch of ppl come to 'help'
then soon WATER BOMB!
then i was like saboed by MUNNY!
wad the heck!
i was like standing there,,in a corner,,then mun beside me mah..then i suddenly hear mun say oh my god,,then i was like pushed infront lor,,then she behind me..then i kena hit by kent's bomb..=.=""
then like mdm Tang like suddenly say: why this ppl NOT wet?!? then point to us..then armies came to attack us with water bombs lor..LOLS then i ran half of the field..and still kena wet..
then hor i tot finish liao lor,,then saw hardi kena wet-TED by juniors..then hor,,suddenly like all stopped,,then all look at me,mun,dap de direction lor,,
then i run..
then all chased..AHHH!!!
then i was like tot they only chasing munny,,then i stopped then i was like AHHH then like kena hit by them lor..
then i was like wet..VERY WET
then went to make butt prints on the wooden table..LOLS
and,,"urinate" out our water from clothes~ munny so funni lor~
then that ends the water game..
then erm..
next is
then we go for cheers then i was no faciliator mah..then go one side play lor,,with munny and dap..
then i do like jumping lar..then like hold the pole..then munny cant reach it..then kah wei rite,,who is shorter,,go and jump then reached and hold on to it lor!*claps*
then munny was like sitting on the like rings or sth lar,,at the side of the hall one,,
then she shout:" I BELIEVE I CAN FLY!" then jump down! LOLS!!! obviously she failed to fly.HAHA~ then i was AGAIN laughing like a mad person while hugging to a pole lor..LOLS
then i was like very malu nia,,
coz later shiling come mah,,
then i wan to like say rmb last time yong li do pole dance?
then i go like hug the pole then like turn lar,,for awhile,,short while,,
then a guy from the NJC like infront lor..
then he looked abit shocked to me LOLS!
shd be scared to see a ugly girl dancing 'pole dance' later nightmare~ lols!
then wad parent game lor..then jiu say bye bye other frens
then toked to munny and dap and did lots of funny stuff on the way shouting ZHENGHUA WE LOVE YOU FOREVER at the sch.. -,,,-! LOLS!!and also we went to the fitness corner and wished
hope that it will come true..=)))
and we saw a angel cloud(found by me!!!) then took a photo of it..=D very nice to look at clouds at times,,but BETTER with frens~ =)))
6LOYALTY! YOU ROCKS! YOU RULES! YOU ARE THE BEST FOREVER,EVER AND EVER! i wished there will be one day,,where 6L meet up AS A WHOLE CLASS,,even those like hao han,kenneth,wanqi,xinyi etc,,will be there,,and everyone having a GREAT time tgt..hope our wishes can be hear..and answered~
~~end~~ =)
Friday, March 7, 2008
firstly,,let me clean off my dust..** DUST OFF**
ok,,today is 7march,,i am just back from a concert or sth like that AND
i am very high when marvin say" eh! ruan lao shi zai na li leh!"
then when to greet her in break time of the show,,
then she saw me
EHHH!!! **i think maybe trying to think of my name..**
then say hello! then pris came,, then she go hug her~ I WAN TOO!!**jealous** xD
then went to congrats Mr see for being PROMOTED to vice principle,,i CAPS the PROMOTED coz,,
i say:
OH! mr see bian(become) the vice Principle liao huh!
miss neo say:
BU SHI! ta shi bei SHEN ZHI(promoted).
i honestly think no diff,,but since she says so,,i listened lor,,then say
he wear quite like more,,erm,, nice? clothes,,like looks like brand NEW shirts.
i am going very high for that reason~
hope i can see them soon..=)))
them = my darling girl friends~~ =DDD =))) ^.^
love them LOADS and miss them LOADS~
ok,,today is 7march,,i am just back from a concert or sth like that AND
i am very high when marvin say" eh! ruan lao shi zai na li leh!"
then when to greet her in break time of the show,,
then she saw me
EHHH!!! **i think maybe trying to think of my name..**
then say hello! then pris came,, then she go hug her~ I WAN TOO!!**jealous** xD
then went to congrats Mr see for being PROMOTED to vice principle,,i CAPS the PROMOTED coz,,
i say:
OH! mr see bian(become) the vice Principle liao huh!
miss neo say:
BU SHI! ta shi bei SHEN ZHI(promoted).
i honestly think no diff,,but since she says so,,i listened lor,,then say
he wear quite like more,,erm,, nice? clothes,,like looks like brand NEW shirts.
i am going very high for that reason~
hope i can see them soon..=)))
them = my darling girl friends~~ =DDD =))) ^.^
love them LOADS and miss them LOADS~
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